Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Key To Finishing The Wall -Nehemiah 4:15-16

We are returned to the wall,each to his work. And from that time forth half of my servants worked at the task and the other half held the spears,shields, bows, and the coats of mails (armor). And the leaders stood behind the house of Judah...........................Nehemiah 4:15-16

From the very beginning of Kingdom Wall Street we established core values to building and attaining victory.
Core value # 1.Moral Code-alignment with God's law of kingdom righteousness that the work may continue no matter what-Core Value # 4-Leadership-The ability to work with and completely respect and follow leadership that the work must continue no matter what-Core Value # 5.Method and Discipline (strategy)-There must be a plan and strategy in place that in the event the enemy launches an attack the attack will be side stepped and the work will continue no matter what and the wall will be finished.It is imperative in building for victory that we must not come down from the wall for we are doing a good work.

Its intresting to note that in Nehemiah 4:10-12 the Jews (Judah) brought opposition through their own words of discouragement.The greatest fear was incited from within the camp giving the edge to the enemy on the exterior. Its imperative that our personal Core Values remain in tact for the work is not for ourselves and our constiuants,but for the advancement of the kingdom  of God-All to His glory and to His high honor I shudder to think what would have happened if Nehemiah would have came down from the wall at the inside discouragement,not to mention the brutal attacks that came from the Sanballats,the Tobiahs,and the Geshems.

It is imperative that we rely on and believe with our personal Core Value # 1 in our heart of hearts God's moral law of righteousness that He that is with us is greater than he that is against us.The strategy of the enemy is to disenfranchise the workers against each other and the leaders to ensure that the work discontinues and the wall will never be finished.

Nehemiah in verses 11-13 organized alternate watches and work details among his servants and the families to ensure that the work would continue and in verse 14 gave the people wise counsel "Be not afraid of them;remember the Lord,which  is great and terrible, and fight for your brethern,your sons, your daughters,your wives,and for your houses"

I encourage you my fellow kingpriests to follow me as I follow the leading of God's seven fold spirit.We will have a mind to work and the Kingdom Wall Street will be a victory in completion-Apostle Billy R. Woodard 


  1. The enemy is already defeated, 1 john 1:8 for this purpose the son of God was manifested ,that he might destroy the works of devil. We just have continue to understand no matter how much the pressure comes. Kingdom wall street is already done in the spirit realm.May God continue to renew our minds for this . God bless you Apostle "dad woodard

  2. As our Apostle Marc has taught us there must be T.E.A.M(timing, execution, apostolic, movement). We must continue to plow together with no resistance amongst ourselves. We must stay in tune with each other and at the insight of weariness or discouragement we can bear each other up. I love you all please stay in the press and don't come off the wall. Continue to hold DadWoodard and ApostleMarc arms up during this season of battle as they continue to get direct instructions from ABBA.
    Agape always
