Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Intercessors Needed

The True Intercessor 
And it came to pass,when I heard theses words,that I sat down and wept,and mourned certain days,and fasted,and prayed before the God of heaven............
Nehemiah 1:4
This particular verse in Nehemiah is key in building Kingdom Wall Street,or building anything for that fact.The scripture reveals that Nehemiah wept and fasted for certain days.The art of intercession has to do with much more than just prayer alone.Intercession involves warfare in the realm of the spirit,The intercessor travels into the realm of the unseen in order to see.The fact that Nehemiah wept bitterly is indicative of the true intercessor.The intercessor often weeps for the perils that prohibit one from going forth or being successful in the things of God.The intercessor bears a passion for the work of God to be completed so much so that he or she weeps from a deep place within,often times so severely until it seem detrimental to the weeper.The intercessor weeps from a deep place of passion and sorry for the ills of the nation and God's people as they walk into the destiny God has for them.

From our earliest childhood we learned the shortest verse in the Bible "Jesus Wept",but never learned the true meaning of the scripture.As Jesus rode into Jerusalem which appeared to be a citadel of strenght and a palacial Eden of beauty Jesus wept over the impending doom that would befall the holy city.Jesus became a intercessor for the holy city until he wept bitterly as he overlooked the holy city from the cleft of the mountain.Jesus's passion over the holy city was so intense until it moved him to move in supernatural ministry of healing and deliverance and to ultimately give his life as a sacrifice for the sins of the nation of Isreal and ultimately the sins of the whole world such is the resolution of the true intercessor.

In the preparation of blogging in the kingdom wall street project I wrote with the strategy of bringing to the forefront the varied ills of the KCKIC & KINGPRIEST INC,  sonship. As you see by the evidence many of you have been faithful to the blogging,some have been faithful partially,some have not blogged at all,even as it relates to the self-preview the assignment this weekend,either some have not learned from this experience or do not care to learn from this experience.In building for the Kingdom of God one must become and remain focused at all times. Excuses must be dealt with according as it is the kingdom that supercedes anything and everything that has to do with our lives,and yes even in death the kingdom will make the final resolution to our destiny.

As the fathering apostle I readily see the impending dangers the will befall this project and have already begun to manifest in the varied persons of dislike and disdain for others,disrespect,jealousy,envy,and strife fostering disunity in  both  apostolic companies of KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC which is the strategy of the enemy to bring a divide between leadership, Apostle Richardson and myself.

I beg of you to indulge the prophetess and myself from this point on to engage with us weekly until the project is in completion. We will engage in intercession and fasting on Mondays,Wednesdays,and Fridays for the kingdom wall street project for it is the backbone of both companies for building and planting. I pray the you will receive this blog by the spirit for it is detrimental to work outside of the divine blueprint no matter how sincere the effort may be..it will give the enemy  the legal right to work in those gaps and doors that have been opened through disobedience and out right defiance of  instruction,and will serve as a weapon for the downfall of us all.....the times of intercession will be left to your discretion whether it be all day,6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. or just a few hours a day on the allotted days its left up to you for your good.Again it is of the utmost importance that we bind together as an apostolic company to bring resolution to poverty,sin,disorder,and ineffectiveness the kingdom of God that the kingdom of priest will not be found lacking at the return of the King of kings...Shalom-Apostle Billy R. Woodard 


  1. When moving in battle I like to say the battlefield must be reconed . In war you gather all the intelligence to defeat the enemy. But you dont bring attention to yourself the intercessors must be on watch. Friendly fire will cause more damage in any battle. Dad woodard we are one step ahead of the enemy standing prayer.

  2. With heartfelt conviction with the need to be more committed to the blog floods my core. While there is many reasons there is no room for excuses in this crucial Kingdom building. The response of YES is in need of responsibility. Now that we have vowed to be watchmen there cannot be room for the enemy's distractions to cause us to move from our post. Guarding the Wall must be done with our lives. The mandate is ever before us to faithfulness in intercession because for every victory won intercession has gone on before the battle. Lev. 6:13 has charged us to never let the fire of intercession on the altar go out! Every plot of division must be destroy because a house house divided against itself cannot stand! We have been entrusted with a huge responsibility and I count it an honor to intercede on behalf of the Kingdom Wall and my fathering Apostles and their families by any means necessary. As I recommit to the posture of "by any means necessary" I pray that the burden of my Aposotolic Fathers will be lifted! That their family feel the effects of the fervent prayers of the righteous! The question is raised " how can two walk together unless they agree! The call also for maturity is necessary in this juncture for there is not time or place for envying and strife! It's a trick of the enemy to put ill feeling in your heart against your brother and sister! If you are feeling funny or have a distaste in your mouth for someone kill it! that thing has to die! Not exceptable! This work is calling us all to a deadman walk! Its not about feelings because that's operation from a heart place and we are going in SPIRIT first! That order of SPIRIT FIRST will align the heart. I love you Family and I press in with you for the sake of the VISION. Thank you Dad for your great lovekindness towards me.... Love you, QueenProphetessMomLillian, and Apostle Marc deeply. Love and blessings always,
