Sunday, September 8, 2013

Nehemiah Exhorts The People
Nehemiah 2:17
Then said I unto them,"Ye see the distress that we are in how Jerusalem lieth in waste and the gates thereof are burned with fire:come let us build up the wall of Jerusalem that we be no more a reproach".

     I as the apostolic father emphatically re-echo Nehemiah's exhortation to you God's company of kingpriests..moreover our mandate reaches far beyond that of Nehemiah's.As we build apostolically,financially,and geographically first in Texas,then in the varied venues where you reside...we survey the burned walls in every aspect..we note the alleged body of Christ as it lie in waste while the earth groaneth for the manisfestation of the sons of God....We are the paradigmn,the divine blueprint for future generational apostolic builders, We blog daily our visions,revelations, Ideas,failures,and victories all which comprise an apostolic thesis that will be published as a textbook for building kingdom finance from an apostolic platform for the advancement of God's kingdom in the earth.Again I exhort you,"Come let us build the wall that there be no reproach against us"

     At this point I would be remiss if I did not take the time to mention the due diligence of those of you who followed the direct instructions as they related to yesterday's blog in so doing you spoke to the very heart of the apostolic father.It speaks first to your verticle alignment with the Father,son, and the Holy Spirit,secondly it speaks to your ability and willingness to grow and mature under apostolic authority from which your authority is derived-The oil flows from the head to the beard to the skirts of the garment,its the principle of apostolic kingdom living under God's theocracy.( God's Government).I would like to thank each of you for your seeds of obedience,loyalty,finances,and sonship for in due season if we faint not reassured we will reap a harvest of one hundred fold-"Seek Ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)-Apostle Billy R. Woodard 


  1. Dad,

    I am most honored to sit at your feet and learn at a greater dimension the revelation given to you by Abba!
    I am excited about the restoring and repairing of the walls in many of the desolate and waste lands in the weeks and months to come.
    I support you and all ministries who are in covenant with you because I know your heart is not to plant traditional local churches, as we already have enough of those models throughout the land, but rather to plant effectively and efficiently.
    For these reasons, I shall continue to walk in total obedience and faith with regards to all that Abba is doing and all that He shall continue to do.


  2. There is a line in a song that says, "Break my heart with what breaks Yours Lord"...feeling what our Heavenly Father feels, wanting what HE wants and seeing what HE see is so essential in building. Being touched by the infirmities of man and the land. The desire like HIS to see HIS people whole...prospering in every area of life and being in health even as their souls prospers. This it the total essence of living... the giving of life by yielding ALL that we are.. all that we have and all that we will ever be for the cause of Christ and HIS Kingdom. The returning of our entire being, heart, mind, body and soul in relationship with our Creator in Whom we live and move and have our being. Compassionate and giving.. loving and willing. Producing harmoniously and in total agreement from the depth of our existence... living solely for the purpose in which we were created... Rejoicing with the Commanding kings as you rejoice.. it makes ones heart glad to see the beauty of your joy when satisfied with the results of your labor.. Hats off we move forward to build and see the expression of God displayed among men in the earth. LOVE : ) Love fuels the locomotive that pulls this train in which many cars will be added. Singing a new song of victory as we celebrate KINGDOM WALL STREET that will impact lives, regions, and territories for generations to come!!! *Investor Brown

  3. DadWoodard the Kingdom synergy for the Texas region is at a high peak! Nehemiah was our example of due diligence. To work and complete the assignment. To keep the people focused and admonish them that nothing is to come before the completion of the Lord house, not even the people personal places. As yielded workman, watchmen,guards on and surrounding the work on the Wall, my prayer is that we are sensitive to the heart work of the people that experienced ruin and lands of their lives have been deprived of the living waters that the Apostle have been sent to spring up wells.
    I am praying for you and with you as the Lord is journeying you to a place that he said he will give that place 'YOU'. We your sons journey with you for the Apostolic anointed grace on your life and Apostle Marc life will do the people in Texas good all their days.

  4. Amen honorable Apostle, the top of Texas will never be the same once the wall is rebuilt. We do so to honor the King, we do so that there be no reproach against us fulfilling our Apostolic mandate and we do so for it is written that seeking the kingdom of God first and all His righteousness so that all these things will be added to us. I don't know about anyone else but I am looking for God to add unto me and my life as well as the lives of my fellow brothers, sisters and honorable Apostolic father in Christ. I look forward to the day that our individual ministries are graced on a local level where The Gathering of Kings takes cities by storm leaving no soul the same upon departure for at that time it is assured that Pampa will be a wall fortified by the blueprint of heaven at the hands of the fathering Apostle and obedient workmen.
