Nehemiah 1:4
Some Things Come By Fasting And Prayer
The two key components to building anything are fasting and prayer.Feverent prayer is energized by fasting.Fasting and Prayer throughout history has had a remarkable impact on God's people.Fasting prepares the soul to hear from God by bringing the body under subjectiion.( The unity of the whole man).Fasting and Prayer serves to maintain focus on the vision.
And it came to pass,when I heard these words,that I sat down and wept,and mourned certain days,and fasted,and prayed before the God of heaven. Nehemiah 1:4 Fasting and Prayer are not spiritual exercises designed to gain something from God,but to help us accomplish all things through God.
The renowned Queen Esther fasted and prayer three days and nights for the courage and discipline to go before the king to find mercy in the face of the genocidal plot against her people. (Esther 4:16).
King David resorted to prayer and fasting for seven days in hope of saving the life of his young child (2 Samuel 12:16-18).
Daniel sought God through prayer and fasting twenty-one days and had a vision of supernatural warfare in the heavenlies. (Daniel 10:1-13)
It is my prayer that you my beloveds will join the prophetess and myself in a time of prayer and fasting that we will not get weary in the exercise of reading daily and blogging for the discipline will facilitate the building of the kingdom wall street for the good of all concerned.I will not set dates and times for you yourselves know your best times and schedules.I do ask that you bring your whole man body,soul,and spirit under subjection as we endeavor to build.
The act of prayer and fasting in itself takes discipline and therefore brings us in harmony with heaven.Prayer and fasting removes our affinities from the circumstantial world around us and places us in the unseen world created for us. (The Kingdom Of God). The prophetess and myself plan to engage in serious prayer and fasting on behalf of the building of kingom wall street and the transition and building ministry in Texas.We humbly ask you to pray for us in both these endeavors.-Apostle Billy R. Woodard
Inestor Brown stands with you KCIC/KPI by fasting and praying. It is imperative that we touch and agree and as a team and a family. Make up the hedge and stand in the gap. Hedging KINGDOM WALL STREET in with fire and placing a prayer shield around it. The prayers of the righteous availeth much and the power of agreement will definitely put adversity to flight. Our incense need to constantly fill the bowls and ascend unto HIM as a sweet smelling savor in HIS nostrils. Intercession is necessary to carry out the J 1:10 dimension.. this is how we accomplish that which this Scripture describes. Being that HE set us over the nations... fasting and prayer in unison, creates a strength that literally moves mountains. It takes a strong vanguard of intercessors, postured in prayer, at the gates, on the wall, and on every watch to accomplish the Divine plans of God in the earth. This prayer foundation erects the backbone in which every structure should contain. Daily digging in the place of prayer with earnest and fervent intercession, praying in the Holy Ghost as well as the Spirit gives utterance. This labor of love on the altar prevails... KINGDOM WALL STREET shall encounter the tipping of the bowls perpetually, even as we die a deeper death in this realm of selflessness. Humble and at the foot of the cross... decreeing and declaring through the creative power of the spoken language that invokes the manifested existence of "The WALL!!!" *Investor Brown on duty,
ReplyDeleteIntercessors pray as they are the person and not simply for the person. I am praying for the mandate and that every plot and plan, hidden agenda, and so forth be thou removed, disengaged, disannulled, dethroned, and utterly destroyed in Christ's name!
ReplyDeleteWe shall prevail.
The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous does still avail much.
You and all who are in covenant or who are connected are covered by the Almighty and angelic hosts are standing guard and are encompassed all about you.
Greetings Family!!!
ReplyDeleteLev. 6:13 says The fire must be kept burning on the alter continuously; it must not go out. Throughout every stage of the building of Kingdom wall street intercession must be in full effect!!! That we may always receive the assignment of what God desire is and what He is doing in every season. That we are always in tune with the things of the Apostles heart and lifting up the standard as well as their arms. Tending to the immediate issues of our lovely MomProphetess Woodard heart that the yoke maybe easy and burden light. And it can be because the Word says so!!! I will stand in agreement thru fasting and continuous prayer that the Will of God be done and the Kingdom is advanced. Big Kingdom love to you all and may unity be our portion for in it all things will be made possible. Love you my apostles with the love of the Lord and with my own love.
In the book of Nehemiah fasting and prayer brought the children of Israel together for the sake of repentance, deliverance and elevation. The people fasted together and in this dispensation we join the Apostle and Prophetess endeavoring in fervent fasting and prayer for the benefit of all involved. The set and sent Captains of the Lord of Hosts, our Apostles, our visionaries need us in this hour. Let us come together as we bring ourselves to a place where God can build us and align our hearts even the more with His vision within the heart of our Apostle.