"Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind"
Romans 12:2
The Holy Ghost through the wisdom of God has allowed me to initiate Kingdom Wall Street to educate your spirit which will renew your mind to release your anointing to operate succinctly together for the for the acquiring of finance and wealth as it relates to the kingdom of God.(Pause,take a moment to meditate on that which you just read).The problem with the body of Christ is we are trying to amass wealth and finance via intelligence and attempting to employ God's spirit to anoint our intellect to get finance and wealth while this seems altogether practicle,it is altogether backwards.
The "anointing" is designed to remove burdens and destroy yokes,the removing and the destruction of yokes allows the mind to work in alignment with the "anointing" for the dynamics of the "anointing" (The "anointings' power).
"But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God for it is he that give you "power' to get wealth that he may establish his covenant in the earth". (Deut.8:18).The "power" gets the wealth.Where does the "power" come from?-"But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost hath come upon you"-The "power" comes from the "anointing" not from the mind (Intellect)-Acts 1:8
The body of Christ of itself cannot give its time,money, service as unto honor because the body of Christ sows out of the flesh according to the mind (Intellect) often times selfishly,calulated and estimated void of faith and honor of any sorts relying on the "anointing" to manifest the money as opposed to the power to get the money
The tithing (Sowing) principle under the Order Of Melchizedek according to the new covenant signed with Chirst's blood,sealed with God's Holy Ghost (Spirit) is by honor as opposed to the requirement by the Levitical law of priesthood..If you study prayerfully this blog syllabus,meditate on it,grasp it and make the connection you will do what every wealthy person has done in the world and you will never be broke another day in your life.wealth will trail you and back you in everything that you do.-Apostle Billy R. Woodard
The intellect of Holy Spirit is all over this posting today. Word driven supernatural speech that summons the inner man to stand at attention and adhere to the order of the Kingdom. For to long the BoC has lost its ability to produce. We have watered down truth and restructured it in such a way to weaken the containers (you and I) of this dunamis/exousiastic power.
ReplyDeleteProv. 14:1 "The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands."
This women that Proverbs speaks of so often is not necessarily the female species. However, it can be a blueprint for her functionality. I submit by a revelatory spirit that this women is you and I. The BoC. To operate outside the realm of honor is to literally tare a house down. Without honor there is no Kingdom. There is not a Kingdom that exist today where honor is not present. Even the kingdom of hell show honor to their leader. This is why satan is able to reign in his sphere.
Prov. 22:4 "By humility and the fear of the LORD Are riches and honor and life."
See the pattern in Prov. 22:4 as it relates to Kingdom Wall Street. Our wealthy place is contingent on our present level of the fear of the Lord. Understand that fear in this context is likened unto honor. Tho fear Him is to honor Him which in turn gives birth riches and life. For without honor the Kingdom within is hindered in its power.
We must begin to honor the Lord through our giving in this season. We must understand that our tithe is a tithe of honor and not of debt. If this were a Levitical tithe we would be forever in debt. However Galations says that the curse has been broken. It is through the order of Melechizedek that we as KingPriest have the ability to manifest the economy of the Kingdom of God in the earth through the power of honor. This is the same honor that kept the economic system that Solomon developed operational and is still the order of today.
Prov. 31:25 "Strength and honor are her clothing; She shall rejoice in time to come."
This blog is filled with wisdom by and through the power (dunamis) and revelation from On High.
ReplyDeleteI was sharing with someone yesterday how every believer has the power to gain wealth but very few are willing to rely and wait on Abba to manifest it and many are without the wisdom that it takes to steward it!
Abba never releases His power without a purpose.
The anointing is His power. The glory is His presence.
The anointing is needed to destroy yokes and to continue on in strength. The glory is His divine presence whereby He manifests to commune with His beloveds!
Abba is very instructional. As it pertained to Noah with the ark, David being told not to build the temple, Solomon being told how to build it, the 12 apostles in what was required of them to build the communities and advance the kingdom, to which they eventually turned the world upside down, they were all successful because they never deviated from HIS instructions and pattern and because they had HIS power and His presence with them along their journey.
Anointed leadership never deviates from the original plan or purpose of the Father. The Messiah was the most perfect example of this even. He executed the royal succession of all sons and Kingpriests, was exemplary in His leadership model and role as Savior and L-rd, and He did so perfectly in His Father's name because He has his Father's power!
The Christ demonstrated the Father's power but He also was given the Father's wisdom!
Power (anointing) without wisdom can be deadly to the mandate!
If we are going to gain or produce/pre-create wealth and all things relative to the Kingdom, we must stay in position, we must be in alignment with you, our spiritual father, and we must hold fast to the vision...in which the Holy Spirit has given you in 42 years of wisdom and experience, access to provide many strategies to receive and maintain our wealth, and all things relative to our conduct as Kingpriests as it physically manifests.
Truthfully, our wealth treasure is within. Our divine treasure chest is within us. We have treasure in earthen vessels! What He has placed within, the glory unrevealed is another powerful dimension in which we can and will see the manifestation of our wealth.
We simply need to receive more of Abba's wisdom through our personal relationship and communication with Him and also from the one sent, you Dad, to teach us a more excellent way of understanding precepts to be better stewards of it as a circle of power!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this direction that our blog is taking.....
-Lady Tamara
We are a circle of divine power who houses and manifests that same power: to gain and produce wealth..............
ReplyDelete"THE GLORY OF ZION"...KINGDOM WALL STREET... Hang you can hang your hats on Isaiah Chapter 60!!! HALLELUJAH!!! ARISE! SHINE! FOR THY LIGHT HAS COME!!! AND THE GLORY OF THE LORD RISES UPON YOU!!! This chapter breaks down the GLORY that is being revealed this day through HIS modern day kings in the earth that has HIS agenda, right here on KINGDOM WALL STREET. Just to share a little.... "Your eyes will shine and your heart will thrill with joy, for merchants from around the world will come to you, they will bring you the wealth of many lands. Isaiah 60:5... This is what the LORD says. "I will give Jerusalem a river of peace and prosperity. The wealth of the nations will flow to her. Her children will be nursed at her breasts, carried in her arms, and held on her lap." Isaiah (66:12) GLORY!!! Foreigners will rebuild your walls and their kings will serve you ...your gates shall stand open..they shall not shut day or night, so that people may bring you the wealth of the nations...their kings led in triumphal procession. For the nation or kingdom that will not serve you will perish...it will be utterly ruined. Isaiah 60 in part..... See the LORD has SET US OVER NATIONS!!! J110 is in EFFECT!!! The EVERLASTING impact is being made as we speak....fret not thyself because of evil doers...despise not what may SEEM to some as great sounding words or a small beginning. WHAT GOD HAS PUT TOGETHER .. will NEVER go assunder!!! KINGDOM WALL STREET... the journey set before us to the GRAND FINALE!!! KINGDOM ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN. We are THE PROCESS..... The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the LORD; in it's time, I will do this swiftly. Isaiah 60:22.... THAT TIME HAS FULLY COME...HE IS DOING THIS "SWIFTLY" says the LORD!!!! Seizing the opportunity to comply is wisdom from on HIGH. *Investor Brown
ReplyDeleteIf people would grasp this and understand that there efforts wilwill not keep them wealthy. When you move in Gods power and give out of honor and love your unstoppable. The holy spirit will give us insight, but we must remain still and prayful. MATTHEW 6:33 seek first the kingdom.
ReplyDeleteFor so long growing up in the church I experienced the BOC was taught to live a life of honor to God through a life of poverty and to give your all for to amass any sort of wealth it would serve as a stumbling block and lead to a covetous lifestyle rendering your soul to eternal damnation. As I became older and my relationship with Christ grew I broke free of the system of denominationalism, legalism as well as being lorded over. In that time period the spirit of poverty was liked to honor unto God. We all know that this is not so. This spirit of being lorded over diminishes the capacity of the BOC from accumulating the wealth in the earth that has already been designated for advancing the kingdom. I can remember being taught to "put my mind to it" by church leadership all the while them knowing I had no formal education at the time and with that my mind had no idea where to start. By the same token my spiritual ribs were touching and yearning to be educated for I had no idea of how to operate in the spirit to accomplish my aspirations while they themselves held the keys to supernatural wealth and prosperity and executed the blueprint so effortlessly while keeping the saints under their thumb in servitude in stead of speaking to the destiny of the saints corporately to obtain the wealth of the land for it's rightful purpose is to fuel the kingdom.
ReplyDeleteI set out into the world with this same toxic mentality and failed time and time again thinking I was going to get it right the next time around and cumulated with tithing out of an attempt to stir up the anointing over what I set out to do on that very foundation I was rendered powerless.
As Apostle Woodard stated this practice seemed practical however it was out of order. Prior to blogging on tonight I came across the book of Ephesians Chapter 3:16.
That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
We as kings have to become one with the spirit for it is our compass in all that we do, our decision making, our speech, our love, our everything. The spirit encompasses our entire being so that we can be directed by God. The anointing of the Holy Ghost touches the very spirit of a king as well as the thought process within the flesh creating a mind open to which He continually speaks and directs our path thus rendering us the power and might to appropriate the wealth of the land for His kingdom's sake.
The BOC corporately has to be quickened by revelatory knowledge concerning kingdom finance, there has to be a reformation of kingdom economics to take place for many will never taste the powers of the coming age. The kingdom is now.
It is only by giving in honor to the Lord that I began to see an increase not only in the area in finances but in spirit. For sowing under the Melchizedek Order and laying resources at the Apostles feet as it were in Acts 4 the doors of Heaven began to open up. I quickly learned that kingdom finance allows the Apostles & Prophets of God to operate at full capacity allowing them to release the saints and myself included into destiny. When we release what is in our hand, so shall the Father.