Building The Wall /The Book Of Nehemiah
Good Morning KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC...Again I wish to thank you for your surround support your presence in the spirit,your prayers,your telephone calls,and your finances as it related to the awesome assignment of the apostolic presence in Texas this weekend.I have never been so sure of God's hand in any situation as I am in the Texas j1:10 project.Through our prayers,decrees,prophetic utterance much of the much needed work in the region had already begun God has dispatched the angels on assignment to validate his will as a sign to us the builders of the wall.The overall regional atmosphere shifted,as you have read the witness of fb.In the contiuance of the study of the Kingdom Wall Street as well as the establishment of the financial structure we will study Jeremiah 1:10 and the book of Nehemiah as the builders textbook.I humble ask you to prayerfully study these two scriptural text and to blog your revelations and ideas as we began to build the kingdom wall street financial structure.It is eminnent that we establish two platforms (Headquarters)from which to plant churches,support ministries,equip,and to send with financial subsidiary for the purpose of the advancement of the kingdom. The first,I believe is God's will in the Texas region where the apostolic father will be assigned,secondly in the region where the honorable Apostle Marc Richardson is assigned and stationed.It is from these two apostolic bases (platforms) that we will build an absolute kingdom dynasty....All of us have agreed in our last self-check blog that we will be committed without restraint to build together per God's design the kingdom wall street. I ask that as the Spirit leads and as the book Nehemiah being our buliding textbook that we fast from time to time to crucify the flesh and bring it into vertical alignment with heavens mandate.Feel free to blog you revelations as your study Nehemiah.Keep in mind that as we build together and build in divine order all of your ministries,desires,and aspirations will be realized and established..keep in mind the principle of the apostolic is that authority is imparted by being under authority.
Apostle Billy R. Woodard
It is with great anticipation I await the manifestation of God's spoken word concerning Texas and other regions designed has a base for this end time takeover. The wall building dimension of kings and knights in this dispensation has come upon us to advance at all cost. As Nehemiah told the with one hand and sling your sword in the other....So shall we do. For our victory is being processed and predestined for the manifestation of God's governmental rule in the earth.
ReplyDelete#J110 (Jer. 1:10)
We are in a distinct time and place in the kingdom of God, a place of Governmental positioning of taking authority and dominion over that which concerns our progress into the place of promise. A predestined place and set time...a place where Chronos and Kairos time, have synchronized, and where Eternity and Time have met, to birth forth purpose and destiny. As you and Apostle Marc, like the sons of Issachar, have perceived the signs of the times(not just when the time is but what to do when time shows up), you shall walk in your NOW season to advance and occupy the land that God has given into your hands. For you are well able to take the land.
Nehemiah had favor with the KING. He had been found faithful in his service as cupbearer to the king and his countenance expressed a concern that the king never saw come upon him before. It was evident that Nehemiah had a tremendous burden and desire burning within. The KING granted Nehemiah access, the blueprint, strategies, wisdom, discernment... governmental authority, provision and the manpower needed to succeed at restoring the waste-places and rebuilding the wall/KINGDOM WALL STREET. This destined location in Texas is likened to the place of purpose in which Nehemiah was was determined to see re-established and the order of the Kingdom set in place...functioning according to God's heart. Nehemiah being a man of prayer and the agenda of the Kingdom was the blow of every breath that he breathed. Can any good thing come out of Texas...eyes have not seen, ears, have not heard, neither has is entered into the heart of man... what is taking place at the headquarters of this dynasty for sure. KINGDOM WALL STREET is being built... the Kingdom is RISING up and kings coming from through out the nations. We have the birth records....we the sons of God as kingpriest shall possess the land. We will not forsake the building of KINGDOM WALL STREET and decree ... God shall imprint us for good and imprint us on HIS heart. Prayer and intercession is being released for that region of Texas, a prayer shield placed around it... hedged in with fire.. as the bowls fill with incense... they are being tilted on KCIC/KPI behalf in Jesus name. Faithfulness in building here, will exact the manifestation of the KINGDOM TAKEOVER EVERYWHERE. #wehaveaMINDtobuild&refusetocomedown.......
ReplyDeleteRomans 8:19 began to resound in my ears as I read this blog and the commentary. The anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of G-d. Indeed that holds true as it regards the ministries and those who are committed to support them. May the manifestation of the greater and of even more sons of G-d with whom are to connect with both ministries come to fruition is my prayer......
ReplyDeleteAmen, may this one heart, two-fold ministry flourish in the mighty name of Jesus. I am honored to be a part of this ministry on the ground level and I am at your service honorable Apostles.