Friday, September 6, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt.3 Pg3
The Textbook Nehemiah-Why We Mst Build The Wall
     The book derives its title from the main character whose name appears in 1:1.Nehemiah literally means "Yahweh Comforts". Nehemiah positioned in the prestigious honor of cupbearer for king Artaxerxes.While Nehemiah no doubt enjoyed the luxury of the palace,his heart was in Jerusalem,a little city on the far frontier of the empire.

     The why we must build the financial wall street must be born out of the relevance of the kingdoms posterity and advancement in the earth realm.The why to build must be the longing for the inner spirits sake. The finance alone must not be the motivator,but must be the catalyst for building the kingdom platform for other kingdoms-Nehamiah's status quo did not stifle his dominant desire to fortify the homeland with the wall of security and posterity.

    It is my hearts desire to establish ministries and plant churches,businesses,schools globally from a kingdom platform born in the heart of the apostolic to better communities through redevelopement,restoration,and teaching.The building of the wall not only serves as a balm in gilead to the masses,but to the builders as well for the scripture the declares "The house (the wall in our case) does not have more honor than the one who builds it. The honor of building the wall adds more to the character of the one yielding the hammer.

     All of us have a vision for and feel the mandate to build in ministry;However one must see the vision for all apart from divisive tactics and thought. As it was a reality Nehemiah was not the only captive in Sushan,but his hearts yearning to build became the platform for the oneness of all the headquarters,Jerusalem.

     Beloved sons of the apostolic in reality as we build from the mandate of the hearts of the apostolic fathers which are one..we build for all....Lets Build The Wall-Apostle Billy R. Woodard


  1. Bless you Dad!
    I share your vision and I support all involved with the building and expansion of nations, cities, and regions for the advancement and the edification of all G-d's chosen. Not only do I share your vision, I see it. Praying diligently and whatever capacity or assistance that I can offer, I am willing.

    —Lady Tamara

  2. My observation of Nehemiah was his heart for the land and the people apart from what he had going on in his personal life and that which was his task at hand at the time. His body was there with the king as cup-bearer, but his heart and mind was in on rebuilding the wall. Breaking away from what people consider as norm and comfortable is part of the apostolic nature needed to pursue. boxing oneself into what we want or desire and even sometimes what others expect.. has to potential to distract and cloud ones vision and effect ones hearing when it comes down to the DIVINE will, plan and purpose of God. Operating and functioning in a certain place and mode in life without being open to the promptings and wooings of the Lord can and will cause one to miss out on what God has for us to partake in and carry out for the advancement of HIS Kingdom. Nehemiah went to the king with the burden and concern that was on his heart... he was given the release to go forward. God has placed this assignment and burden on the sons/kingpriest of this great work and given the instructions to build in Texas. As we go forth with the understanding of being faithful over a few things makes one ruler over much... we can appreciate when God says... "SEEK"....SEE... GO AFTER.... ye FIRST... in other words, what ever HIS will is... do that FIRST... His KINGDOM... the KINGDOM OF GOD... and HIS righteousness .. DOING ALL THINGS DECENTLY AND IN ORDER.......and ALL... even pertaining to our personal life...EVERYTHING pertaining to life and Godliness.."WILL" be ADDED unto us... HALLELUJAH!!!! KINGDOM WALL STREET....KCIC/KPI....THE TAKEOVER IN EFFECT!!! The wall is GOING UP!!!! DAILY WE ARE BUILDING!!! KINGDOM IN MOTION ...MOVING FORWARD...TAKING THE LAND FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD!!! RESTORATION....RECOVERING ALL!!! I "SEE" THE WALL : )) *INVESTOR BROWN*

  3. Genesis 22:17-18;"in blessing I will bless you, and in multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice. "

    The mandate to build will go beyond any particular geographical location but will transcend through out the world until all the nations of the earth are blessed. Whether that means through resources, finances, education, etc. The Kingdom of God shall be advanced and manifested in the lives of all within our sphere of influence.

    As we advance in this Kingdom assignment all Glory Honor and Praise shall go to The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords, for it is He and He alone who will cause us to advance.


  4. The book of Nehemiah expresses to us one of the most prolific journeys in pioneering and colonizing of the 'wall'. Out of the love for his people and by God's hand upon him Nehemiah set forth in building. This humble servant desired strongly to rebuild not only the physical city but to reestablish an entire society pleasing in God's eyes. Through my reading I found it to be remarkable the amount of work that needed to be done but even more so the workers that diligently worked by day and guarded by night for every one had a vested interest in seeing the project through no matter the cost. The heart of this man was deeply rooted in the pursuit of birthing posterity through the land. He was challenged time and time again mentally, physically and spiritually throughout the entire book. What we find essentially is that Nehemiah had the hand of God upon him as he rebuilt and rebirth a nation through the Apostolic dimension. He was able to operate under the unction of God fulfilling his mission under the Apostolic mandate of Jeremiah 1:10.

    In ministry we sometimes find our self attempting to build outside of the designated blueprint essentially outside of grace and unto our own understanding rendering us exhausted and exposed to challenges untold. The key in remaining in alignment is to maintain a servants heart thus keeping us within the will of God which always reveals His vision. His vision rests within the hearts of our Apostolic fathers set upon us here in the earth, and if we can grasp the vision we then can build a 'wall' that is impenetrable.
