Friday, September 13, 2013

Revisit The Vision-Nehemiah 2:12

And I arose in the night, I and some few men with me; neither told I any man what my God had put in my heart to do at Jerusalem: neither was there any beast with me,save the beast that I rode upon.
Nehemiah 2:12
After Nehemiah heard that the city lay in ruins and the gate was torn down it necessitated his need to revisit the Holy City,Jerusalem he once knew."Where there is no vision the people perish". Vision is a collaboration between you and God. "Many are the plans of a man's heart,but it is the purpose of the Lord that prevails".

One vision completed is the birth of more visions to complete.We are now twenty-four days into kingdom wall street blogging, I pray that this vision of building kingdom wall street financial status has prompted you to revisit the vision and visions that the Father has planted in your belly to birth as it relates to ministry.You must see in your minds eye kingdom wall street as your source to build from region to region.Every king and kingdom that conquered other kingdoms did it from a parent king platform (Headquarters)it was not just a random takeover. There must a paradigmn matrix (Blueprint) from which all strategy is planned and executed.

The building of kingdom wall street in Texas will facilitate the erecting of parent kingdom headquarters in your regions as well from which you will build and expand.

As the apostolic father  to KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC. I believe the Father has raised me up for such a time as this to advance the kingdom nationally and internationally.The building of kingdom wall street in not a selfish endeavor,but a corporate investment for our entire apostolic and prophetic company.As we build I urge you to revisit your visions,write them down,make them plain and although the visions tarry,all of them will come to pass.-Apostle Billy R. Woodard


  1. This day, you have set before us, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Really not much that I can say except, I totally agree! Every day of the blogging has built and empowered me as an investor as I continue to seek first HIS Kingdom with the understanding that ALL things will be added unto us/me. Going by the blueprint, the pattern that has been set is definitely the ordering of our steps from the Lord. Following the Commanding kings as you both follow Christ and being faithful over a few things to rule over much .... to me is a no-brainer. It is with deep gratitude and humility that I continue to build. I celebrate and rejoice the days and stages of development as we see it all come to pass.. faith to faith and glory to glory!!! Seeing the end from the beginning...tunnel vision with our eyes on the prize! Peace and blessings to the Commanding kings and every investing son and king!!! United we build, together we all yield!!! *Investor Brown

  2. Praise God Dad as our mind are renewed daily and your Fathering spirit stir up the gifts within I am encouraged to make diligence and tenacity my portion. We are truly in a Kingdom stretch and charged to walk in the KingPriest authority we have been given and called unto God Himself. ~Write the vision~. ~Run with it

  3. Likewise, I am in agreement with my fellow kings within Kingdom Wall Street. I am currently in the process of revisiting all of the visions God have given to me in my life with KWS being at the forefront for it is indeed the platform in which all other visions stem from. Just as in the business realm sometimes an owner has to go back to the drawing board or blueprint to ensure that the company is progressing toward positive fiscal growth, brand recognition as well as personnel balance. Paralleled to the spiritual realm with KWS being the epicenter, reevaluation is important as in any endeavor the 30 day mark is a critical milestone to evaluate every aspect of progress thus far as it relates to building the wall. Are we developing and maintaining a rhythm in our sowing, blogging as well as our kingdom walk? These are areas in which I personally will be focusing on in order to manifest God's will upon my life via KWS as well as in the lives of fellow kings and most importantly in the life of our fathering Apostle.
