Friday, September 27, 2013

THe Key Component In Building Is Communication Nehemiah 4:19-20

And I said to the nobles and officials and the rest of the people,the work is great and scattered,and we are seperated on the wall,one from the other.In whatever place you hear the sound of the trumpet,rally to us then,our God will fight for us ......Nehemiah 4: 19-20

Nehemiah's strategy demanded that every man be positioned on certain areas of the wall.Communication was maintained by virtue of the sound of the trumpet.When the men at varied points of the wall heard the sound of the trumpet they would rally together to receive further instruction from Nehemiah and the other foremen.
Often times ancient Isreal were summoned by the sound of the chofar.The "sound" is prophetic of the voice of Almighty God to the call of "The Gathering Of The Kings" ,the kingdom of priest of Isreal under the direction of the prophet Moses.

The summons of the workers on the wall was parallel to that when God summoned Jehosaphat  instructing him to show up on the battlefield with his regiment,but he himself would not have to fight the battle.

As we continue to build Kingdom Wall Street through ridicule,oppostition,trial and tribulation,I listen for the "sound" that will rally us together on the battlfield only to hear the Father say "Today you will not have to fight' One song writer penned the gospel recording "God fought the battle and I won"---In building Kingdom Wall Street I rest assured at the words of Yolonda Adams "The Battle Is Not Your,Its The Lords"

And we built the wall for the people had a mind to build................Apostle Billy R. Woodard 

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Key To Finishing The Wall -Nehemiah 4:15-16

We are returned to the wall,each to his work. And from that time forth half of my servants worked at the task and the other half held the spears,shields, bows, and the coats of mails (armor). And the leaders stood behind the house of Judah...........................Nehemiah 4:15-16

From the very beginning of Kingdom Wall Street we established core values to building and attaining victory.
Core value # 1.Moral Code-alignment with God's law of kingdom righteousness that the work may continue no matter what-Core Value # 4-Leadership-The ability to work with and completely respect and follow leadership that the work must continue no matter what-Core Value # 5.Method and Discipline (strategy)-There must be a plan and strategy in place that in the event the enemy launches an attack the attack will be side stepped and the work will continue no matter what and the wall will be finished.It is imperative in building for victory that we must not come down from the wall for we are doing a good work.

Its intresting to note that in Nehemiah 4:10-12 the Jews (Judah) brought opposition through their own words of discouragement.The greatest fear was incited from within the camp giving the edge to the enemy on the exterior. Its imperative that our personal Core Values remain in tact for the work is not for ourselves and our constiuants,but for the advancement of the kingdom  of God-All to His glory and to His high honor I shudder to think what would have happened if Nehemiah would have came down from the wall at the inside discouragement,not to mention the brutal attacks that came from the Sanballats,the Tobiahs,and the Geshems.

It is imperative that we rely on and believe with our personal Core Value # 1 in our heart of hearts God's moral law of righteousness that He that is with us is greater than he that is against us.The strategy of the enemy is to disenfranchise the workers against each other and the leaders to ensure that the work discontinues and the wall will never be finished.

Nehemiah in verses 11-13 organized alternate watches and work details among his servants and the families to ensure that the work would continue and in verse 14 gave the people wise counsel "Be not afraid of them;remember the Lord,which  is great and terrible, and fight for your brethern,your sons, your daughters,your wives,and for your houses"

I encourage you my fellow kingpriests to follow me as I follow the leading of God's seven fold spirit.We will have a mind to work and the Kingdom Wall Street will be a victory in completion-Apostle Billy R. Woodard 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"Stay In The Press" Nehemiah 2:19-20

But when Sanballat the Horonite, and Tobiah the servant, the Ammonite, and Gehsem the Arabian,heard it,they laughed us to scorn, and despised us, and said, what is this thing that ye do? Will ye rebel against the king?......Then answered I them, and said unto them, The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build; but ye have no portion, nor right,nor memorial, in Jerusalem...
Nehemiah 2:19-20

Its intresting to make note that Sanballat,Tobiah,and Gehsem all from different backgrounds and regions allied together against Nehemiah to confront him.It amazing how enemies who really have no purpose for each other will combine forces to carry out an evil plan.

The lesson we must learn here is that no matter how great the opposition Nehemiah through God was determined to "stay in the press".The press would be the means by which the wall of Jerusalem would be built to keep allied forces like Sanballat,Tobiah,and Gehsem outside the camp 

KIngdom Wall Street is the citadel of finance that will break the back of poverty for establishing the kingdom on earth through the apostolic blueprint.We must remember and understand that the concept of the apostolic means "the sent ones"...Its key to note that those who allegedly rally around us sooner than later revert back to the paths from which they came,the reason being they were not sent ones from the beginning.

Kings and Priests are apostolic,prophetic people who move under the divine government of God's kingdom as the Lord's Church having their foundation laid by the Apostle and the Prophet as the first powers of authority to the Lord's church.

As the apostolic father to KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC. I encourage you that as we engage in spiritual warfare via fasting and intercession to "stay in the press" for the God of heaven will prosper us. Therefore we his servants will rise and build the wall for the Sanballats,and the Tobiahs,and the Gehsems have no portion in the great endeavor-humbly submitted-Apostle Billy R. Woodard .

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Intercessors Needed

The True Intercessor 
And it came to pass,when I heard theses words,that I sat down and wept,and mourned certain days,and fasted,and prayed before the God of heaven............
Nehemiah 1:4
This particular verse in Nehemiah is key in building Kingdom Wall Street,or building anything for that fact.The scripture reveals that Nehemiah wept and fasted for certain days.The art of intercession has to do with much more than just prayer alone.Intercession involves warfare in the realm of the spirit,The intercessor travels into the realm of the unseen in order to see.The fact that Nehemiah wept bitterly is indicative of the true intercessor.The intercessor often weeps for the perils that prohibit one from going forth or being successful in the things of God.The intercessor bears a passion for the work of God to be completed so much so that he or she weeps from a deep place within,often times so severely until it seem detrimental to the weeper.The intercessor weeps from a deep place of passion and sorry for the ills of the nation and God's people as they walk into the destiny God has for them.

From our earliest childhood we learned the shortest verse in the Bible "Jesus Wept",but never learned the true meaning of the scripture.As Jesus rode into Jerusalem which appeared to be a citadel of strenght and a palacial Eden of beauty Jesus wept over the impending doom that would befall the holy city.Jesus became a intercessor for the holy city until he wept bitterly as he overlooked the holy city from the cleft of the mountain.Jesus's passion over the holy city was so intense until it moved him to move in supernatural ministry of healing and deliverance and to ultimately give his life as a sacrifice for the sins of the nation of Isreal and ultimately the sins of the whole world such is the resolution of the true intercessor.

In the preparation of blogging in the kingdom wall street project I wrote with the strategy of bringing to the forefront the varied ills of the KCKIC & KINGPRIEST INC,  sonship. As you see by the evidence many of you have been faithful to the blogging,some have been faithful partially,some have not blogged at all,even as it relates to the self-preview the assignment this weekend,either some have not learned from this experience or do not care to learn from this experience.In building for the Kingdom of God one must become and remain focused at all times. Excuses must be dealt with according as it is the kingdom that supercedes anything and everything that has to do with our lives,and yes even in death the kingdom will make the final resolution to our destiny.

As the fathering apostle I readily see the impending dangers the will befall this project and have already begun to manifest in the varied persons of dislike and disdain for others,disrespect,jealousy,envy,and strife fostering disunity in  both  apostolic companies of KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC which is the strategy of the enemy to bring a divide between leadership, Apostle Richardson and myself.

I beg of you to indulge the prophetess and myself from this point on to engage with us weekly until the project is in completion. We will engage in intercession and fasting on Mondays,Wednesdays,and Fridays for the kingdom wall street project for it is the backbone of both companies for building and planting. I pray the you will receive this blog by the spirit for it is detrimental to work outside of the divine blueprint no matter how sincere the effort may will give the enemy  the legal right to work in those gaps and doors that have been opened through disobedience and out right defiance of  instruction,and will serve as a weapon for the downfall of us all.....the times of intercession will be left to your discretion whether it be all day,6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. or just a few hours a day on the allotted days its left up to you for your good.Again it is of the utmost importance that we bind together as an apostolic company to bring resolution to poverty,sin,disorder,and ineffectiveness the kingdom of God that the kingdom of priest will not be found lacking at the return of the King of kings...Shalom-Apostle Billy R. Woodard 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Self Preview

I will not be blogging again until I return from the Gathering Of Kings in Trenton,New Jersey. During this short interval,I would like for you my beloved children to answere the following questions..I will be reviewing them when I get in on sunday night..please be diligent to do the exercise.Feel free to look over all of the blogs to help you with your preview and survey.On you blog please number your answeres that I will know which question you are referencing,love Dad Woodard

1.What have you learned about leadership during this kingdom wall street blog?

2.What have you learned about working with others,if anything?

3.What are the five core values in building we metioned in the beginning blog?

5.Please elaborate in blog on each core value?

5What have you learned about building,if anything?

6.What have you learned about others,if anything?

7.What have you learned about yourself during this kingdom wall street seminar?

8. What have you learned about vision?

9.What have you learned about following instructions?

10.What have you learned about others following instructions,if anything?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Project 1:10 Kingdom Wall Street/Colonization

See,I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms,to root out,and to pull down,and to destroy, and to throw down,to build,and to plant.(Jeremiah 1:10 King James).


Jeremiah 1:10 Literally defines Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven physically and spiritually.
Colonization:A process whereby a government or ruler determines to extend his kingdom,rulership,or influence to additional territory with the purpose of impacting that territory with his will and desires.

Contrary to popular belief,the concept of ministry often times called "church" entails more than assembling to worship.The purpose of assembly is to train and equip for ministry beyond the walls to literally change the face of nations,communities,and neighborhoods to reflect the kingdom of God on planet earth.The concept of colonization must have influence in government,economy,education,and most importantly in religion.

As we enter Pampa, Texas (Gray County)with Project J1:10 it is our endeavor to erect a house of worship/Cultural Center for the purpose of hosting kingdom conferences for education and training,and for public worship.This phase of pulling down,uprooting,and building will literally change the mindsets of the people on the southside,the geographical appearance,and the spiritual atmosphere as well.This phase of colonization will impact the entire region with the message of the kingdom of God on earth.

Overtime the purchase of land for redevelopement for the purpose of business,housing,community gardens,and parks and recreation will be the primary focus of kingdom wall Street.The plan will be written,it will be plain,and even though it tarries it will come to pass.

KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC, Texas as our headquarters and our blueprint we will change nations,cities,towns,villages,and hamlets for the sake of the kingdom of God.Our ministry will be the "coronation" of the kings of the earth. "As it is written,so shall it be done"-Apostle Billy R. Woodard 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street-Educate Your Spirit

"Be Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind"
Romans 12:2

The Holy Ghost through the wisdom of God has allowed me to initiate Kingdom Wall Street to educate your spirit which will renew your mind to release your anointing to operate succinctly together for the for the acquiring of finance and wealth as it relates to the kingdom of God.(Pause,take a moment to meditate on that which you just read).The problem with the body of Christ is we are trying to amass wealth and finance via intelligence and attempting to employ God's spirit to anoint our intellect to get finance and wealth while this seems altogether practicle,it is altogether backwards.

The "anointing" is designed to remove burdens and destroy yokes,the removing and the destruction of yokes allows the mind to work in alignment with the "anointing" for the dynamics of the "anointing" (The "anointings' power).
"But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God for it is he that give you "power' to get wealth that he may establish his covenant in the earth". (Deut.8:18).The "power" gets the wealth.Where does the "power" come from?-"But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost hath come upon you"-The "power" comes from the "anointing" not from the mind (Intellect)-Acts 1:8

The body of Christ of itself cannot give its time,money, service as unto honor because the body of Christ sows out of the flesh according to the mind (Intellect) often times selfishly,calulated and estimated void of faith and honor of any sorts relying on the "anointing" to manifest the money as opposed to the power to get the money

The tithing (Sowing) principle under the Order Of Melchizedek according to the new covenant signed with Chirst's blood,sealed with God's Holy Ghost (Spirit) is by honor as opposed to the requirement by the Levitical law of priesthood..If you study prayerfully this blog syllabus,meditate on it,grasp it and make the connection you will do what every wealthy person has done in the world and you will never be broke another day in your life.wealth will trail you and back you in everything that you do.-Apostle Billy R. Woodard

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Wall-Nehemiah 2:8

And a letter unto Asaph the keeper of the king's forest,that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the palace which appertained to the house, and for the wall of the city,and for the house that I shall enter into.And the king granted me,according to the good hand of my God upon me.(Nehemiah 2:8).

Nehemiah aquisitioned  letters of the king to take before the governor.First,the letters would grant Nehemiah the right to go beyond (Cross over the River) and into terrain that would carry him into Judah,Secondly,a letter to request lumber of the governer,timber for  beams for the gates of the city for the wall's strength and stability.

It is no haphazard incident that the Father gave me the book of Nehemiah for the buidling of Kingdom Wall Street.The story of Nehemiah building the wall prefigured our building kingdom wall street.Case in point,firstly, the letter that was given you earlier this week requesting financial aid would be the means of acquiring the incorporation papers for Kingpriest Inc,secondly after recieving those papers I will be able to travel to Texas and open up an intrest bearing bank account,thus beginning to build on the wall.

KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC.,I humbly submit to you that any and all monies from the the Woodard's personal teal,the growing African business of clotheing and oils,seeds sown into us from the exterior,and most important of all,seeds sown into us from you, the spiritual sons and investors will be amassed and deposited into that account,for the wall must be built...I pray that you will grant this unto me as the spiritual father to many of you,and the spiritual counselor to all of you according the the good hand of God upon my life as an apostolic masterbuilder.

I will be calling on many of you as official officers to KingPriest Inc. and all of you for professional, ethical demeanor as it relates to operating KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC. Kingdom Industry."He that put his hand to the plow,looking back is not fit for the kingdom of God"-Apostle Billy R. Woodard 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Revisit The Vision-Nehemiah 2:12

And I arose in the night, I and some few men with me; neither told I any man what my God had put in my heart to do at Jerusalem: neither was there any beast with me,save the beast that I rode upon.
Nehemiah 2:12
After Nehemiah heard that the city lay in ruins and the gate was torn down it necessitated his need to revisit the Holy City,Jerusalem he once knew."Where there is no vision the people perish". Vision is a collaboration between you and God. "Many are the plans of a man's heart,but it is the purpose of the Lord that prevails".

One vision completed is the birth of more visions to complete.We are now twenty-four days into kingdom wall street blogging, I pray that this vision of building kingdom wall street financial status has prompted you to revisit the vision and visions that the Father has planted in your belly to birth as it relates to ministry.You must see in your minds eye kingdom wall street as your source to build from region to region.Every king and kingdom that conquered other kingdoms did it from a parent king platform (Headquarters)it was not just a random takeover. There must a paradigmn matrix (Blueprint) from which all strategy is planned and executed.

The building of kingdom wall street in Texas will facilitate the erecting of parent kingdom headquarters in your regions as well from which you will build and expand.

As the apostolic father  to KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC. I believe the Father has raised me up for such a time as this to advance the kingdom nationally and internationally.The building of kingdom wall street in not a selfish endeavor,but a corporate investment for our entire apostolic and prophetic company.As we build I urge you to revisit your visions,write them down,make them plain and although the visions tarry,all of them will come to pass.-Apostle Billy R. Woodard

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Nehemiah 1:4
Some Things Come By Fasting And Prayer

The two key components to building anything are fasting and prayer.Feverent prayer is energized by fasting.Fasting and Prayer throughout history has had a remarkable impact on God's people.Fasting prepares the soul to hear from God by bringing the body under subjectiion.( The unity of the whole man).Fasting and Prayer serves to maintain focus on the vision.

And it came to pass,when I heard these words,that I sat down and wept,and mourned certain days,and fasted,and prayed before the God of heaven. Nehemiah 1:4 Fasting and Prayer are not spiritual exercises designed to gain something from God,but to help us accomplish all things through God.

The renowned Queen Esther fasted and prayer three days and nights for the courage and discipline to go before the king to find mercy in the face of the genocidal plot against her people. (Esther 4:16).

King David resorted to prayer and fasting for seven days in hope of saving the life of his young child (2 Samuel 12:16-18).

Daniel sought God through prayer and fasting twenty-one days and had a vision of supernatural warfare in the heavenlies. (Daniel 10:1-13)

It is my prayer that you my beloveds will join  the prophetess and myself in a time of prayer and fasting that we will not get weary in the exercise of reading daily and blogging for the discipline will facilitate the building of the kingdom wall street for the good of all concerned.I will not set dates and times for you yourselves know your best times and schedules.I do ask that you bring your whole man body,soul,and spirit under subjection as we endeavor to build.

The act of prayer and fasting in itself takes discipline and therefore brings us in harmony with heaven.Prayer and fasting removes our affinities from the circumstantial world around us and places us in the unseen world created for us. (The Kingdom Of God). The prophetess and myself plan to engage in serious prayer and fasting on behalf of the building of kingom wall street and the transition and building ministry in Texas.We humbly ask you to pray for us in both these endeavors.-Apostle Billy R. Woodard


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Nehemiah's Motivation 
Moving Beyond Opposition

Passiveness (Neh.4:6),Mockery (Neh.2:20), Conspiracy (Neh.3:9), Threats of physical attack (4:17).

The word opposition is comprised of the prefix oppo meaning "to oppose,or come against" and the suffix sition meaning "position or status" therefore we have the concept of opposing ones position,or status and the desire to cause one to alter course,change directions,or to stop altogehter.

In building kingdom wall street the opposition is not as much physical as it is spiritual,yet it is one in the same.In the body of Christ the building of the wall of financial wealth for the advancement of the kingdom for the most part has been passive.The general consensus of the alleged body is satisfied with bake sales,fish frys,and the tithing as it relates to the Levitical priesthood system as opposed to God's honor system of kings.

It is the responsibility of the leadership to learn and to teach the body that the wealth that will advance the kingdom of God in the earth will not fall from the open windows of heaven,but already exsist in the earth in the face and person of the marketplace,case in point the wise king Solomon.

Christ in his death,burial,resurrection,and enthronement iniated a royal order of kings to facilitate the amassing of the world's wealth on behalf of th kingdom of God.The opposition to build financial wealth is the psychological slavemaster of the traditional,religious order of believers who feel that it is divine to wear the garment of poverty.Often at the mention of wealth be it currency (Money) or physical assets (Land,buildings,or office supplies) the tenets of of opposition rear their ugly heads.

The labor of love through prayer,strategy,and tenacity must help the body move beyond opposition for the sake of the kingdom and the generation of builders to come.

I thank my God daily and make mention of all of you in my prayers daily for your unfeigned faith.Since the beginning erection of kingdom wall street we have seen miracles of manifestation from every directional hemisphere of the globe in testimony of our labor. I have seen cohesive covenantship between KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC. the leadership and the lay kingpriest together we are building a kingdom wall,a citadel if you please for financing kingdom projects nationally and internationally nor by might,nor by power,but by His spirit-Apostle Billy R. Woodard .

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Nehemiah's Labor Of Love
The Healing Balm
Nehemiah's selfless leadership would build the wall to protect from the exterior elements and people of danger and would be a healing balm for the builders as well.In building the wall the workers together with Nehemiah would overcome personal challenges.The entire company would overcome laziness,mockery,conspiracy, and threats of physical attacks as well.

In building kingdom wall street together we will overcome the personal challenges that hindered our progress before.Its a fact that the labor of love is the key component employed by Christ our King and High Priest in so doing he healed the sick,gave sight to the blind,and the greatest feat of all became a sacrifice for the sins of the world bringing redemption and our repositiioning as kingpriests unto God.If we learn one thing in this building project let us learn to be the healing factor to those who are hurting and disenfranchised among us.Let us heal the wounds and not be critical of each others weaknesses for together we make up the mighty hand of God.

I have learned from years and experience of dealing with people that there is good in the worst of us,and bad in the best of us. As we stated in earlier blogs there is no heir of perfection among any of us.As a people of color we must somehow learn to pool our differences in the energy of working together for the goal of one common good.It is a rule of thumb that in building we will encounter opposition from the outside,but is a rule of thumb as well that there must be coherence within the camp.

As a wise masterbuilder Nehemiah brought together the good and the bad,the frail and the weak and orchestrated a mighty force against the enemy and with a mind to work they rebuilt the wall.-Apostle Billly R. Woodard

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Nehemiah Exhorts The People
Nehemiah 2:17
Then said I unto them,"Ye see the distress that we are in how Jerusalem lieth in waste and the gates thereof are burned with fire:come let us build up the wall of Jerusalem that we be no more a reproach".

     I as the apostolic father emphatically re-echo Nehemiah's exhortation to you God's company of kingpriests..moreover our mandate reaches far beyond that of Nehemiah's.As we build apostolically,financially,and geographically first in Texas,then in the varied venues where you reside...we survey the burned walls in every aspect..we note the alleged body of Christ as it lie in waste while the earth groaneth for the manisfestation of the sons of God....We are the paradigmn,the divine blueprint for future generational apostolic builders, We blog daily our visions,revelations, Ideas,failures,and victories all which comprise an apostolic thesis that will be published as a textbook for building kingdom finance from an apostolic platform for the advancement of God's kingdom in the earth.Again I exhort you,"Come let us build the wall that there be no reproach against us"

     At this point I would be remiss if I did not take the time to mention the due diligence of those of you who followed the direct instructions as they related to yesterday's blog in so doing you spoke to the very heart of the apostolic father.It speaks first to your verticle alignment with the Father,son, and the Holy Spirit,secondly it speaks to your ability and willingness to grow and mature under apostolic authority from which your authority is derived-The oil flows from the head to the beard to the skirts of the garment,its the principle of apostolic kingdom living under God's theocracy.( God's Government).I would like to thank each of you for your seeds of obedience,loyalty,finances,and sonship for in due season if we faint not reassured we will reap a harvest of one hundred fold-"Seek Ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)-Apostle Billy R. Woodard 
Project J1:10 Texas The Buzz

The trip to Pampa,Texas this past week-end Saturday August 31,2013 by the hand of Almighty God was strategically sucessful. Via the spoken rhema word the Father gave divine instructions for rebuilding of the city of Pampa,and the establishing of an apostolic plat form for international ministry as well.I have receieved  a plethora of phone calls as it relates to the excitement of the Pampa city dwellers as well as the distant Pampa born and raised who are now dwelling in other varied venues. I will be teaching the Pampa residents and the others in other venues by spreaker radio and teleconference.

I thank my God daily for all of you my children and your capable hands in apostolic living and lifestyle ordained per God's design. I will soon be comprising my offical board for Kingpreist Inc. and will be calling on some of you as officers and all of you as ministering helps especially to the apostolic father...My beloved I truly value each of you as dear  children non greater non lesser,but equals gauged by the love of the apostolic father.I need to point out at this interval of building none of us in this apostolic company bear the title of perfection myself included who is the least in this company,however in my forty-two year tenure in ministy I have learned by trial and error that we can agree to disagree and work succinctly together for one common end. Unfortunately varied natures clash for varied reason but we must operate from spiritual maturity as opposed to human logic..the entire crutch of project J1:10 is to show the new community of Pamap,Texas (Gray County) the art of building and redevelopement via apostolic government.As it is imperative that new people will be introduced to this company for apostolic training and will be babes to be nutured and equipped for the ministry of the kingdom. I humbly ask but with great affirmation that our apostolic decorum be unmatched.As the spiritual father of KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC. it is my duty to discern.single out,and weed out that which is growing in the apostolic garden that is detrimental to its upkeep and care,therfore I urge each of us to labor first for the sake of the kingdom,with the love of God,the maturity of Christ,and the uninterrupted respect for each other....Kingdom Wall Street Is Now In Execution Mode-Apostle Billy R. Woodard

Friday, September 6, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt.3 Pg3
The Textbook Nehemiah-Why We Mst Build The Wall
     The book derives its title from the main character whose name appears in 1:1.Nehemiah literally means "Yahweh Comforts". Nehemiah positioned in the prestigious honor of cupbearer for king Artaxerxes.While Nehemiah no doubt enjoyed the luxury of the palace,his heart was in Jerusalem,a little city on the far frontier of the empire.

     The why we must build the financial wall street must be born out of the relevance of the kingdoms posterity and advancement in the earth realm.The why to build must be the longing for the inner spirits sake. The finance alone must not be the motivator,but must be the catalyst for building the kingdom platform for other kingdoms-Nehamiah's status quo did not stifle his dominant desire to fortify the homeland with the wall of security and posterity.

    It is my hearts desire to establish ministries and plant churches,businesses,schools globally from a kingdom platform born in the heart of the apostolic to better communities through redevelopement,restoration,and teaching.The building of the wall not only serves as a balm in gilead to the masses,but to the builders as well for the scripture the declares "The house (the wall in our case) does not have more honor than the one who builds it. The honor of building the wall adds more to the character of the one yielding the hammer.

     All of us have a vision for and feel the mandate to build in ministry;However one must see the vision for all apart from divisive tactics and thought. As it was a reality Nehemiah was not the only captive in Sushan,but his hearts yearning to build became the platform for the oneness of all the headquarters,Jerusalem.

     Beloved sons of the apostolic in reality as we build from the mandate of the hearts of the apostolic fathers which are one..we build for all....Lets Build The Wall-Apostle Billy R. Woodard

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt 3 Pg.2

Jeremiah 1:10
See, I have this day set over the nations and over the kingdoms,to root out,and to pull down,and to destroy,and to throw down,to build and to plant.

I will call Jeremiah 1:10 our golden text to going in and taking the land that the Lord hath given us.I humbly ask if it is at all possible that you my beloved offspring keep up with the reading and your blogging of our wall street blogs it is through them that I can at least know that you are getting the teaching,whether you embrace them or not.I know that it is a challenge with our day to day busy schedules,but its takes diligence if you are going to take cities,not to mention building walls.If you are having trouble with diligence go back to the former blogs and revisit the five core values as an incentive to build the walls.Myriads of ministries and churches even as I script lie in waste from the lack of great leadership and devoted builders...It is as if everyone is concerned only about his or her own endeavors and destiny.....You may criticize the mega TV ministries and platforms;however the difference between them and you is that they follow a strict code of discipline under leadership and if these can exsist sucessfully under bishops who operate apart from divine order,how much more can you rule and reign under the capable covering of apostolic fathers and generals.If you must call this blog chastisement,but in all reality it is discipline 101.In my forty- two years of ministry one thing I have learned about our people we have so been indoctrinated with weseternization. We have forgotten who we really are...We as a people are the masters of accompllishing from the platform of odds and disenfranchisement.We were designed to rise from the ashes.go back and study your history apart from americanization we were viewed as the underdogs,but came out the victors.Before we root out,pull down,destroy,throw down,build and plant.....we must intricately and inwardly perform Jer.1:10 in our own mentality for we have been programed to fail by the system.Our textbbook the entire book of Nehemiah challenges our faith through our works not through our passivity.I urge you my beloveds follow us as we follow Christ in the Melechzedek priesthood after the order of Melchizedek and lets build the financial walls the fortress of apostolic building and planting.-Apostle Billy R. Woodard 

P.S. If my collaborating with some of you from time to time is building a wall of familiarity against you respecting my wise counsel..I can readily rectify the situation..I rather enjoy father and son relationships with all or you,but morevoer I enjoy your success to move forward in maturity in destiny.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt.3 pg. 1 Building The Wall

Building The Wall /The Book Of Nehemiah

Good Morning KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC...Again I wish to thank you for your surround support your presence in the spirit,your prayers,your telephone calls,and your finances as it related to the awesome assignment of the apostolic presence in Texas this weekend.I have never been so sure of God's hand in any situation as I am in the Texas j1:10 project.Through our prayers,decrees,prophetic utterance much of the much needed work in the region had already begun God has dispatched the angels on assignment to validate his will as a sign to us the builders of the wall.The overall regional atmosphere shifted,as you have read the witness of fb.In the contiuance of the study of the Kingdom Wall Street as well as the establishment of the financial structure we will study Jeremiah 1:10 and the book of Nehemiah as the builders textbook.I humble ask you to prayerfully study these two scriptural text and to blog your revelations and ideas as we began to build the kingdom wall street financial structure.It is eminnent that we establish two platforms (Headquarters)from which to plant churches,support ministries,equip,and to send with financial subsidiary for the purpose of the advancement of the kingdom. The first,I believe is God's will in the Texas region where the apostolic father will be assigned,secondly in the region where the honorable Apostle Marc Richardson is assigned and stationed.It is from these two apostolic bases (platforms) that we will build an absolute kingdom dynasty....All of us have agreed in our last self-check blog that we will be committed without restraint to build together per God's design the kingdom wall street. I ask that as the Spirit leads and as the book Nehemiah being our buliding textbook that we fast from time to time to crucify the flesh and bring it into vertical alignment with heavens mandate.Feel free to blog you revelations as your study Nehemiah.Keep in mind that as we build together and build in divine order all of your ministries,desires,and aspirations will be realized and established..keep in mind the principle of the apostolic is that authority is imparted by being under authority.
                                                                           Apostle Billy R. Woodard