Monday, September 16, 2013

Project 1:10 Kingdom Wall Street/Colonization

See,I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms,to root out,and to pull down,and to destroy, and to throw down,to build,and to plant.(Jeremiah 1:10 King James).


Jeremiah 1:10 Literally defines Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven physically and spiritually.
Colonization:A process whereby a government or ruler determines to extend his kingdom,rulership,or influence to additional territory with the purpose of impacting that territory with his will and desires.

Contrary to popular belief,the concept of ministry often times called "church" entails more than assembling to worship.The purpose of assembly is to train and equip for ministry beyond the walls to literally change the face of nations,communities,and neighborhoods to reflect the kingdom of God on planet earth.The concept of colonization must have influence in government,economy,education,and most importantly in religion.

As we enter Pampa, Texas (Gray County)with Project J1:10 it is our endeavor to erect a house of worship/Cultural Center for the purpose of hosting kingdom conferences for education and training,and for public worship.This phase of pulling down,uprooting,and building will literally change the mindsets of the people on the southside,the geographical appearance,and the spiritual atmosphere as well.This phase of colonization will impact the entire region with the message of the kingdom of God on earth.

Overtime the purchase of land for redevelopement for the purpose of business,housing,community gardens,and parks and recreation will be the primary focus of kingdom wall Street.The plan will be written,it will be plain,and even though it tarries it will come to pass.

KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC, Texas as our headquarters and our blueprint we will change nations,cities,towns,villages,and hamlets for the sake of the kingdom of God.Our ministry will be the "coronation" of the kings of the earth. "As it is written,so shall it be done"-Apostle Billy R. Woodard 


  1. Psalms 115:16 NLT
    The heavens belong to the Lord , but he has given the earth to all humanity. This is a wonderful blueprint. The true purpose of gathering together..heaven on earth no more church as usual.

  2. As I read today's blog and I was pondering on the post... I could hear you singing, "Shifting The Atmosphere"... The words that you speak, decree, pray and sing, have shifted the atmosphere on earth and the manifestation of God's plan is "swiftly" coming to pass as in heaven. The written decree and the words you speak ... the processional of kings are coming!!! The SOUND is constantly being released from your belly... Your DNA hear the voice, the voice that has summoned them to come. You have many children... Just as HE spoke to Abraham concerning the promises and the blessings to come... Likewise, as with you. Abraham believed God, it was credited to him as righteousness. Keep speaking, singing, decreeing, declaring, praying, trusting, beleiving....This vision given from God.. shall SURELY come to pass. Day by day.. God is revealing, unfolding, releasing, and blessing. Hallelujah!!! Rejoicing with you kINGS as you rejoice!!! Praising for ALL that is taking place. Be ENCOURAGED the more kINGS of the MOST HIGH!!! The joy of the LORD is (our) strength. Neh.8:10 : )) KINGDOM WALL STREET CORONATION.... *Investor Brown
