Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Self Preview

I will not be blogging again until I return from the Gathering Of Kings in Trenton,New Jersey. During this short interval,I would like for you my beloved children to answere the following questions..I will be reviewing them when I get in on sunday night..please be diligent to do the exercise.Feel free to look over all of the blogs to help you with your preview and survey.On you blog please number your answeres that I will know which question you are referencing,love Dad Woodard

1.What have you learned about leadership during this kingdom wall street blog?

2.What have you learned about working with others,if anything?

3.What are the five core values in building we metioned in the beginning blog?

5.Please elaborate in blog on each core value?

5What have you learned about building,if anything?

6.What have you learned about others,if anything?

7.What have you learned about yourself during this kingdom wall street seminar?

8. What have you learned about vision?

9.What have you learned about following instructions?

10.What have you learned about others following instructions,if anything?


  1. 1 The importance of submitting to the Commanding kINGS of the overall vision & honoring them. obeying the Divine plan of God in which HE gave.. instructions "the blueprint" for KWS Headquarters in Pampa Texas for KCIC/KPI.
    2-In the midst of character flaws, in-difference, we must have a working relationship, the main focus should be growing to perfection as we continue to build for the same common goal.
    3-Five Constants of Governing
    4-Morality...Lining up oneself with the Divine perfect will, purpose and plan of God, mind.,body & soul. Siding with HIS party & totally following HIM in strict obedience.
    Heaven...God's realm & dimension of supply & means for the earth. The source of all that will be manifested on this planet.
    Earth..That from which we as human beings came and was created by God. He took this matter & breath into us & we became a living soul.life in this sphere called earth.
    Commander...One that hands down the orders, give the instructions, lead, guide & direct. With KWS .you Apostle Woodard are the Fathering Apostle to Apostle Richardson and over KCIC/KPI which includes us all.
    Method & Discipline...The "know-how" as the Message Bible puts it..the plan and strategy for executing the building up of KWS as the platform for the Nations for Kingdom TakeOvER!!!
    5-Building is done effectively when the Master Builders are in place & the builders are dependable, consistent, eager, excited, and have a mind to work, with the heart of the vision and the spirit of the Master Builders. It takes investing TIME TALENT.M-O-N-E-Y. Good stewards with a Kingdom mindset, skillful builder,embracing the Nehemiah concept. Coming down is NOT AN OPTION!
    6- You can not please everybody.sometimes its best to stay in your lane to keep peace & harmony on the teams.Heads bump and people clash. My root is still love & never bitterness. sad but true.. my desire is to someday be able to dump that drawer out of my kitchen but I have keep them handy when needed so the work can go on, LOL.(long handle spoons)
    7- I have a very important assignment in the Kingdom of God. j110. Knowing my identity & what God has called me to be without a shadow of doubt...these lessons have built & challenged me & to literally do away with casual encounters, stay focused on KINGDOM FIRST... "I know THIS IS IT!!! I have to be all or none.I am more focused & determined than ever before... I am eager to learn & exercise the power & authority to be a wealth empowered investor not just in words but deed also concerning every aspect of KCIC/KPI. S I walk the path of accountability and as a kingpriest of the Most HIGH and a son to the very honorable Commanding kINGS> #IamKINGOMATICALLYimproving : ))
    8-Vision is AMAZING!!! VISION give you something to work towards, something to look forward to & something to be an active part of. Vision HAS to be.... without it, we are like a ship with no direction. VISION sets the pace in this life,, it is the pathway to fulfilled destiny. Everyone can't be the head, we all have a vital part.. to make up the total plan. VISION speaks and can not lie..IT comes to pass, it can be counted on, it takes believing in it..working it, & waiting on the baby to cry!!! : ))
    9- I believe in order & following instructions to the letter. Anything apart from following instructions is flat out disobedience, rebellion, stubborn, lazy, & slothful. I respect the authority of Jesus Christ in man & honor authority in every area of life. Natural & spiritual. I understand we must do everything, with the right spirit, as unto the Lord & to the satisfaction of who ever commands it.
    10- I have a problem with selective hearing & STRONGLY believe in UNITY, EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION, HONOR AND OBEDIENCE.. I know that all can &if choose to will come into the place of effective leading & building.

  2. 1.What have you learned about leadership during this kingdom wall street blog?
    During the kingdom wall street blog I learned a great deal about leadership. Leadership leads back to the father and son dimension in the apostolic. It is the basis of the kingdom essentially with God being the head, next Christ-the many membered son. This forum allowed me the opportunity to learn particularly about our leadership as they heart after the Lord, and have been commissioned by Him exercise Jeremiah 1:10 in the spirit of Nehemiah in the land. In depth when I look back on the past blogs I have learned that our given leadership also has a heart after the people of God developing us (sons) into a dimension of diligence, vision, and wisdom unto Him for the sake of the kingdom. The desire of leadership is to empower us to walk in our inheritance and destiny according to Ephesians 1:11.

    2.What have you learned about working with others, if anything?
    Working with others is an imperative element within the kingdom wall street project and even more so within the body of Christ for we are workers building together unto our Lord. There will be times in which we will have to set aside personal feelings toward each other based on decisions made within this particular ministry trusting the fathering Apostles to lead us per God’s vision.

    3.What are the five core values in building we mentioned in the beginning blog?
    Moral Code, Heaven, Earth, Commander, Method & Discipline core values.

    5.Please elaborate in blog on each core value?
    Moral Code speaks to the oneness, the actual relational bond between you and Christ. Heaven’s core value is highly relational unto earth for it is said in the word ‘on earth as it is in heaven’ one can assume the direct connect between these two beautiful realms of God’s creation for this is the principle of an open heaven. Most people are set on making it to the destination of heaven when they miss the entire reality that heaven is open right now as we speak and can be echoed right here in the earth. We have to wake up to this realization of this principle just as Jacob did in Genesis 28:12-17. Pertaining to the core value of our commander it simply boils down to honor. Ephesians 6 states that we should honor our father and mother, scripturally it pertains to your biological parents however in the spirit it is extended to our set and sent Apostolic Father. It is an honor to have a set and sent Apostle of the Lord in your life as it is not a relationship that many have been blessed with. The final core value of method & discipline I believe was the one that blessed me the most. It revealed to me that I needed to get back to the drawing board and stay there for it is the foundation for which everything grows from. In our current state of building concerning Pampa this core value is germane for without disciple our method has no power or consistency and without method our efforts are in vain and are like to a ship with no sail.

    5.What have you learned about building, if anything?
    Before building anything a proper survey has to be done, and a blueprint has to be drawn prior to demolition so that every move has a calculated purpose that holds value to the entire construction project. Concerning Pampa, the way that we are going to be able to take the city and manifest the kingdom is to literally take the city block by block through a tangible purchasing. This is how you build. When property is acquired and owned by kings that have been commissioned with exercising Jeremiah 1:10 holy gentrification can take place, certain elements of the land can be rooted out, destroyed and readied to be planted.

  3. 6.What have you learned about others, if anything?
    I have learned that we all have our shortcomings and are equal in the eyes of God. We all have struggles that may differ from one person to the next however under this covenant relationship we are to exercise forgiveness for it is the basis of agape love. That does not extend to allowing one to become abused by another in any way, shape, form or fashion.

    7.What have you learned about yourself during this kingdom wall street seminar?
    Many things have been revealed to me during this seminar. There are areas in which I fall short and miss the mark in and by God’s grace through this very symposium I am able to overcome and develop a balance that is pleasing unto Him.

    8. What have you learned about vision?
    By the very spirit of God we see in Joel 2:28 we know that we can literally and accurately speak the vision that has been given to us per dreams and visions. Now look in the book of Habbukkuk 2:3 as it reads ‘the vision speaks’. The spirit of God inspires us as we are one in spirit and educates us. Our dreams are given life when we speak the very given vision. The dream takes on life when spoken. It is a dimension of the kingdom that flows consistently unto itself.

    9.What have you learned about following instructions?
    Obedience unto instruction is the working wheel of the kingdom; it is up to us as oxen of God to do the work of His good hand. This concept is simple. I found myself in deep revelation just yesterday when it was revealed to me that a lot of people want the benefits of obedience but do not want to pay the cost for such.

    10.What have you learned about others following instructions, if anything?
    Should there be anyone associated with this ministry that is not willing to pull their weight it nevertheless shall go on in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We all have to follow instruction as given. For it is given by God unto the fathering Apostles and unto us and is imperative in building the wall in the Pampa region. Instruction is vital as stated in Proverbs 4:13 for it is your very life..
