Sunday, September 8, 2013

Project J1:10 Texas The Buzz

The trip to Pampa,Texas this past week-end Saturday August 31,2013 by the hand of Almighty God was strategically sucessful. Via the spoken rhema word the Father gave divine instructions for rebuilding of the city of Pampa,and the establishing of an apostolic plat form for international ministry as well.I have receieved  a plethora of phone calls as it relates to the excitement of the Pampa city dwellers as well as the distant Pampa born and raised who are now dwelling in other varied venues. I will be teaching the Pampa residents and the others in other venues by spreaker radio and teleconference.

I thank my God daily for all of you my children and your capable hands in apostolic living and lifestyle ordained per God's design. I will soon be comprising my offical board for Kingpreist Inc. and will be calling on some of you as officers and all of you as ministering helps especially to the apostolic father...My beloved I truly value each of you as dear  children non greater non lesser,but equals gauged by the love of the apostolic father.I need to point out at this interval of building none of us in this apostolic company bear the title of perfection myself included who is the least in this company,however in my forty-two year tenure in ministy I have learned by trial and error that we can agree to disagree and work succinctly together for one common end. Unfortunately varied natures clash for varied reason but we must operate from spiritual maturity as opposed to human logic..the entire crutch of project J1:10 is to show the new community of Pamap,Texas (Gray County) the art of building and redevelopement via apostolic government.As it is imperative that new people will be introduced to this company for apostolic training and will be babes to be nutured and equipped for the ministry of the kingdom. I humbly ask but with great affirmation that our apostolic decorum be unmatched.As the spiritual father of KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC. it is my duty to discern.single out,and weed out that which is growing in the apostolic garden that is detrimental to its upkeep and care,therfore I urge each of us to labor first for the sake of the kingdom,with the love of God,the maturity of Christ,and the uninterrupted respect for each other....Kingdom Wall Street Is Now In Execution Mode-Apostle Billy R. Woodard


  1. I am excited and overjoyed at the mere thought of how the Saints in Texas were edified and how the rebuilding and repairing of the walls there is going forth. I support the work of your hands and all the hands of the sons and daughters of the Kingpriest Inc/KCIC Kingdom Dynasty!
    Abba is moving greatly in the unseen and causal realms.
    I speak to the very cities and regions alike with whom are connected to this lineage of dynasties in the Kingdom.
    Surely, I avail myself to assist in whatever capacity that I can.....As often as needed without complaint.
    It is my reasonable service unto you simply because I love you and I support the visions that are connected to your lineage with great prayers and love.

    I am most excited about the word being shared via Spreaker Radio.........
    I am reminded of how important and necessary it is for us to be in position. Satan is the prince of the power of the air and many are defeated simply because of his power over the airwaves and their inability to receive that which is their portion as he did with Daniel, but we bless God that the airwaves will be infiltrated by the mighty power and perseverance of prayer through the Apostle......

  2. The synergy of the Kingdom of God is mounting up right here!!! Digging these wells are causing us to strike the oil.... "BLACK GOLD-TEXAS TEA"...I love the Beverly Hillbillies and the theme song really inspires me. Out of the grounds of Pampa Texas.. comes a "bubbling crude"....O BLESS HIS NAME!!! "Well the next thing ya know "KCIC/KPI are MILLIONAIRES...the kin folk said, Apostle Woodard, move away from there.... said Pampa Texas is the place you ought to be, so they load up KCIC/KPI and they moved to this territory!!! Building there is..planting churches...advancing the KINGDOM....THE KINGDOM WALL STREET.....(off goes the banjoes)!!! The banjoes are already playing in that region and the sound has rested upon the ears, hearts, minds, spirit and souls of all that are connected to the True Vine of what God has ALREADY promised and purposed to manifestation in Pampas.. GLORY!!! It is with great pleasure and honor to be a part of this dynamic building process. God is Faithful to HIS Word concerning what HE has shown and spoken to the Commanding Officers. Strategically the bulls eye has already been hit... Apostle Woodard was the Jed Clampett that after months and years of intercession and SEE-king..SEEK-ing ..seeing.. the Lord, the song says, "THEN ONE DAY HE WAS SHOOTING AT SOME FOOD"... That ONE DAY has come...Everything about the manifestation of moving to BEVERLY HILLS to the mansion and properly managing the oil that came from the ground, still took action, participation, support and the ability to embrace and maintain that new place of wealth, growth, increase, upgrade, and expansion. With them, it was taking the people out of poverty and their country life style...BUT IT WAS NEVER TAKEN OUT OF THEM. They took everything along with them from their old season of life and old way of living into the new things and territory that was given them and made available to them in which caused them to look and operate dysfunctionally and as misfits in a mansion in BEVERLY HILLS. Frustrating the banker, his wife and his assistant constantly...everyone that came to their mansion was in for a treat, either attacked by animals, offended by offering them possum stew or totally disgusted at the mannerism of the family and even looking down the barrel of granny's shot gun. Jethro's ignorance as an over grown boy and Ellie Mae's blonde beauty but dumb as stick....none of them had the mental ability or know-how, less known proper etiquette for the sudden lifestyle change of becoming extremely wealthy.... UNLIKE..the men and women of God of this great dynasty... WE ARE READY!!! Our hands are to the plow...KINGDOM MINDSETS as kings and priest..knowing the difference and well balanced... we are walking in the blessings of the Lord that make RICH (LITERALLY) and adds (ABSOLUTLEY) no sorrow..Praise GOD!!! Apostle Woodard fired the shot that caused the oil to break forth out of the ground, we are now the oil field workers that in our case will continue to dig even more wells with our financial support, talents, resources, networks and business ventures. THE KINGDOM WALL STREET... hear the banjoes playing!!!! Swing together with all the COMMANDING OFFICERS (Apostles Woodard and Richardson) & INVESTING PARTNERS....." DO SI DO"....Yee Haw!!! : )) *INVESTOR Brown*

    1. I love this Apostle Brown....Very innovative teaching!!!!

  3. After much research on the city of Pampa I have found it to be the largest city within Grey County with a population of roughly 18,000 residents. I decree the internet being overloaded, and cell phone towers being jammed up for a taste of the word of the lord. Our assembly location will have a line out of the door, lives will be touched empowering the citizens of Pampa as the message of the kingdom goes forth influencing every facet of their lives. Gentrification will be nullified. The city itself will be revitalized as citizens will be transformed by the living word having a tremendous impact that will be felt all the way up to a governmental level. City officials will receive us with gladness providing necessary resources. Please understand however that this is yet still a process, a process that also encompasses the element of rooting out. We will face challenges as there are certain doctrines instilled in many including various presiding church leadership and clergymen, but bless God the spirit is proceeding our presence opening up the eyes of understanding of the residents within the region. The two houses of KCIC & Kingpriest Inc. will press forward as an unparalleled dynasty.

  4. The dynamics of building are essential in processing this midwest KCIC/KPI Headquarters. As we build and process from this place in Texas we will still be launching in other areas right behind it. With Texas being a blueprint for building in the natural, we engage the spiritual landscape of Heaven to manifest and build by the pattern of the Kingdom. It is essential to that we function under the T.E.A.M.(Timing, Execution, Apostolic, Movement) dimension. From the time the Church was established in Antioch, we never see the Apostles functioning alone. The Bible says that even in Jerusalem in the midst of persuctution they were never alone. As a matter of fact every one fled "EXCEPT" the Apostle's (Acts 8:1). There is much grace in TEAM. We can get this work done alone. As I referred to Antioch I would like to call your attention to Acts 15:22 "Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren..." This is just one of many places we see apostolic team work in full operation. It is will certainty that we understand that its going to take team work to make the dream work. Its not essential that we agree on everything as we move forward in this Kingdom Operation. There were several times that the Apostles found themselves in a place of disagreement. However, we see that despite it all the vision is kept essential and must be carried out.

    Acts 15:6 "And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter. 7 And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe. 8 And God, which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; 9 And put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. 10 Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?"

    Lets all commit to this blueprint and hold steadfast to the vision that is being released through the mouth of our beloved Apostle and Leader.

    May the love of Christ and His Kingdom be our premium and we build together.

  5. Isaiah 55:10-11
    10 “For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
    And do not return there,
    But water the earth,
    And make it bring forth and bud,
    That it may give seed to the sower
    And bread to the eater,
    11 So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
    It shall not return to Me void,
    But it shall accomplish what I please,
    And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

    As the decrees have been released it causes a shift to happen in the heavens and sets events into motion in the earth. The forces of heaven begin to move things in direction towards the fulfillment of the divine decrees.

    As it has already been established in the heavens so shall it be in the earth.


  6. Kingdom Love my Apostles!

    I Peter 2:4 As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house[a] to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
    Jesus said a house divided against itself cannot stand. Being the strong men Apostolic Fathers that you DadWoodard and Apostle Marc are, will not allow the enemy to enter into the house and take it over regardless to who is being used as a point of access. Denial of self is imperative to enter the next dimension of glory.
    I truly believe that the Lord has equipped you our Apostolic Fathers with the wisdom and grace to teach and instruct, impart and discipline, to govern the blueprint that will and must be followed at all cost. All personal feelings aside with uncompromised, unhindered, strict following of instructions with no room for excuses.
    The Kingdom Wall Street and the journey back to Eden, the place of dominion is in full effect and picking up momentum and every weight is being laid aside that besets!
    I thank God for a teachable spirit and in great expectation of the greater. The Kingdom is NOW!
    Jesus said blessed is he that is not offended in me! So with that being said, as for me, my spirit is pliable and not offended in any correction, instruction, or the wisdom which is the anointed oil that flows down from the fathers. Whatever needs to be done I pray understanding upon all sons and that dedicated lives and loyalty will be our portion unto our heavenly FATHER and to you our Apostolic fathers. As the the teaching of balance in Kingship as well as Priesthood is enforced, may we become buyers and sellers that we we may be the givers and receivers we ought to be and no longer borrowers but lenders! I am so eager to be an asset to the Kingdom and a blessing to my leaders! But in all things may Gods Will done. Whatever the instructions and wisdom given I love you and will obey.

  7. Expected challenges but still...Yes Lord
    In the end your people win

    Glory Forever Reigns!
