Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt. 2 Pg. 5

Core Value #4 - Commander (Leadership)

The commander represents the virtues of wisdom, sincerety, benevolence, courage and strictness.
In every era of history, the times and the people's reaction to the times has produced a burning bush signaling the necessity of a call of leadership. If we are going to unearth wealth on behalf of the kingdom of God, then we must do so out of the conviction that we absolutely need stern God-ordained leadership.(Apostles, Generals, Ambassadors, etc.). The conviction must be integrated with a heart to follow and obey.

In the case of the ancient Israelites, the burning bush appeared signaling the need for a deliverer to break four-hundred years of slavery. In this hour, the burning bush signals the need for a courageous leader to explore and restore the avenues to kingdom wealth that leads all the way back to the wise king Solomon. In this case kingdom citizens, I'm your man.
It is my endeavor by God's grace to not to reinvent, but to reevaluate the kingdom wealth that flows consistently from the well of wisdom, creating streams of surplus, and nourishing nations around the world on behalf of the kingdom.

The leadership is strategic in that is by divine positioning (Divine Order). You will note that in 2 Chronicles, the entire kingdom of Israel in their varied ranks followed the wise Solomon to the high place. It would have been a travesty for any of the tribes to break rank to step out of order. One must not break rank purporting to arrive at the same end as the leadership but must remained vertically aligned with the man or woman of God. (Please allow this seed of counsel to germinate in the soil of your spirit for it will yield a productive harvest in due season). There must not be rivalry with leadership from within the camp, for it will absolutely ensure failure as in the case of the prophet Moses and the ancient Israelites. The vertical alignment with leadership asserts promotion in rank, purpose, and destiny. In following the lead of the wise King Solomon, ancient Israel experienced a golden era of prosperity. Beloveds we are one step away from financial execution. Our last blog syllabus will entail the art of execution through the core value of method and discipline. In other words, how are we going to accomplish it?..........Apostle Billy R. Woodard


  1. KINGDOM WALL STREET.... Method and Discipline. The blog posted today is very essential for Kingdom advancement, lifestyle, networking and relationships. The modern day Exodus is taking place as we speak. You are indeed the man... as we submit to the instructions handed down through the authority of your leadership, the Divine will and plan of God is guaranteed to be performed in the earth. Just this week I was watching an old episode of CSI Miami on DVD... Heratio was addressing the owner of a race car team.. As he was doing his thorough investigation....he narrowed it down to one suspect in which after he had gone all around and evidence lead him back to this individual... He told the owner/Commander of the race car team.... "Your team is at war with itself"... (end of quote) This stuck out to me on yesterday and registered in my spirit. That was the result of betrayal, jealousy,a rebellious heart and that individuals own agenda. The weight of this KINGDOM WALL STREET requires strict obedience, focus, unity, support, encouragement, giving, effort, and the mindset to work effectively as a team. This concept is teamwork based. Arrested development has no place in Kingdom building to this magnitude. Spiritual and mental maturation are two of the wheels needed to drive this vehicle to its destination. Cheerful givers and willing workers ....free of offense and personal hang-ups... such demonic spirits unchecked have the potential to wreak havoc in any connection or communicative functioning in any area of life. Yes.... the man in the mirror has to be dealt with by the core value of Method and Discipline. It takes strong priest to walk out kingship because obedience as well as the ability to be taught, trained, corrected, chastised and rebuked comes with the territory and many leaders and gifts are not open, ready, or receptive to Apostolic fathering or taking orders or instructions from any set man or woman in charge. The only form of competition should be of that in obtaining more wealth in the marketplace and the financial avenues of obtaining increase. This team is an Apostolic and Prophetic team of confident, strong, anointed, intelligent, appointed and girded up sons. Identity is not the crisis, what's within the man in the mirror is the crisis of every individual that see their reflection. Personal accountability as well as to the team must take priority and precedence. The Method which has been given by God unto Discipline... order has to be set to prevent loss and destruction. Following the Commander as the Commander follow Christ..this is what lead the Israelites out of bondage and to the land flowing with milk and honey successfully; inspite of the spirit of Pharaoh that God had all knowledge of unto TOTAL VICTORY!!!! THE TAKE OVER!!!!! *Investor Brown (A brief synopsis of Method and Discipline)

  2. Dad, this was a powerful blog. I support you and everyone connected wholeheartedly.
    This blessed me and checked me spiritually on a personal level with regards to the spirit of dishonor and I assure you that I will do a better job of honoring you in all aspects.
    I am praying for the success of each person's ministry and endeavors and as a kingpriest, in whatever way that I can serve, I will do so willingly.
    Thanks for expressing your heart through your blog.
    The wealth of wisdom that drips from your head is priceless and shall leave behind Kingdom Chronicles that will continue to bless all who are in covenant and who are connected....
    Much love.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. For the last 2 days, I reflected on this very blog, Dad. Truthfully, as the Senior Apostle and Spiritual Father, you are indeed the sent one into my life to impart a greater level of wisdom and my desire is to follow your vision and never to deviate or be distracted by any outside influences. My heart is to see that your vision comes to pass and I will indeed run with it. By running, that involves my prayers, my time and service, and my seed. I believe both ministries are a blessing to all who are apart of them and together, we are a mighty force to reckon with and we shall shake and we will produce a lineage of kingpriests who even after us, will all take the economy of the Kingdom to the next level....For days, I've been hearing: "The Economy of the Kingdom is your birthright!"
    Together, we are strong in power and number.
    May G-d continue to bestow His wisdom and honor upon each of us is my prayer......
