Friday, August 23, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt. 2

Kingdom  Wall Street Pt. 2
Kingdom City/KingPriest Inc.

Financial stability is important to every industry, be it coal mining, food service and distribution, or ministry. Strong finance is the life or death of any operation and must be wrought by deliberation and planning.Financial inquiry is a subject that must not and cannot be overlooked or neglected.

In planning for financial strength there are five constants of governing that must come into play in all deliberation. (1). Morality (2). Heaven (3). Earth (4). Commander (5). Method and Discipline

(1) MORALITY - ensures that one is in complete accord with the creator must not enter the battlefield of finance for the sake of financial gain alone this will ensure failure for sure.
(2) HEAVEN - heaven is the constant source for all resource. Heaven bequeaths upon us night and day, cold and heat, time and seasons.These represent the conditions of the field on which we wage our battle for finance.The universe and the elements are always imperative elements to consider in the work of the kingdom. Far often, they are God's agents for provisions.
 (3) EARTH - is the substance from which we came and because God created the earth for man his (man's) affinities (that which motivates him) interconnects him with that from which he came and to him who created them both, again the moral fiber of being closely connected to and in complete accord with the creator so as to follow him (the creator) regardless.
 (4) COMMANDER - In our case, Apostle/Fathering Apostle of counsel represents the voice of wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage,and strictness.
 (5) METHOD & DISCIPLINE - the course of action we will take to achieve our goal..I have laid out for you today what we will call "Laying Kingdom Plans" for the next seven to ten days and in our Kingdom Wall Street blog, we will deal with the five constants thoroughly so as not to have any slip-ups in our spirit man that will endanger our success. In each syllabus blog, do feel free to blog your ideas, revelations, or questions. Together, we can affect enormous change by way of marketplace advancement of the kingdom of God.

                                                              Apostle Billy R. Woodard 


  1. Financial advancement is imperative in Kingdom building. It is one of the wheels that sustains any Kingdom in the natural. You will never find any kingdom in the earthly realm that is able to maintained stability without it.

    One thing that im mindful of is that a kings authority is validated by their subjects obedience. So we understand that it is through obedience that we able see the Kingdom advanced in the earth. The Bible says in the book of Proverbs 14:4 "where no oxen are, the crib is clean, but much increase is by the strength of the Ox." We are The oxen of God and unless we are willing to work at every level we will not see the increase we have allotted.

  2. Many are bondslaves to this present day Babylonian system which includes government funded programs and resources, which breed a spirit of poverty as well as control and put limitations and boundaries to financial advancement.

    To operate in this financial kingdom dimension one must elevate ones mind and actions on a Kingdom Governmental level by breaking the spirit of a poverty mentality and cycles of poverty. We cant govern kingdom dominion over finances or plan for kingdom expansion in the realm of finance if we cant operate in it over our personal lives. There must be revelation in this area if we're going to Advance The Kingdom of God.

    The Kingdom of God is not broke nor does it suffer lack. Many in the body of Christ have a twisted mentality when it comes to financing the things of the Kingdom. For example most don't have a problem investing in stocks, bonds or IRA accounts or their company'S 401K retirement program. Yet we neglect to consistently give tithes and offerings not to mention giving to other ministry projects out side of our our own local ministries. Instead of sowing our seed we eat our seed. The goal is to sow some and eat some as the Spirit directs.

    There are two systems of government operating in the earth...the system of the Kingdom of God and the World System. The Kingdom of God is an invisible Kingdom that lives on the inside of the believer. There is a language of the Kingdom of God that we must learn in order to reign in the earth in the area of finance.

    Psalm 109:19 The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and His Kingdom ruleth over all.

    TO operate in the system of The Kingdom of God as Kings/Priest it will take placing our complete trust in that Kingdom. Everything in the earth is subject to The Word of God.

    There is much to be said about this issue of Kingdom Economics.

    Advancing the Kingdom
    ~Apostle Barrino~

  3. Kingdom core values are being developed right now as we converse on this blog today. Core values that are and will continue to be passed along to our sons, and our son's sons leaving an inheritance that will last forever. For too long we have operated under the Levitical manner of sowing thus passing down the exact behavior from generation to generation unknowingly perpetuating the spirit of poverty. In doing so, the church has only gone so far due to the manner of fuel; (levitical priesthood-based giving). If I can use an analogy to explain. Liken the church to a car that runs on simple gasoline, and the kingdom a space shuttle.. Now that we have made the transition from church to kingdom, or in other words from car to shuttle we find our self trying to fuel the shuttle with gasoline knowing good and well that we need rocket fuel.. I said that to say this, the fueling of the kingdom starts with the breaking of the mindset and means in which we impart to our sons for it will indeed be passed along. Personally I have no problems with tithing and sowing into various ministries as I am so led, however I will say that when seed is sown into fertile ground, when seed is layed at the foot of the Apostle generational curses of poverty will be broken, minds will be renewed, hands will work diligently and lineages of wealth will be birthed. Our sowing is the tangible expression of the kingdom working within us. The highest source of resource is God. The very structure of kingdom finance is the oneness of God and man. A lot of us separate God and our wallet. This is a learned discipline, one that takes years of diligent prayer, and trust in Him. We as human beings have a natural tendency to look for the return on investment soon after we sow, or sow based on needing something in the first place. If we can only understand that we are one with God (wallet included) we will be able to attain and maintain the lineage of wealth that is intended for us here in the earth. That very word oneness speaks volumes. An even better word is Atonement. Webster describes Atonement as reconciliation between God and man. Break the word down to At-one-ment.. The more we release, the closer we become. It is a spiritual expression of trust. It took a long time for me to learn that holding onto the few dollars I believed that I was going to make stretch and work wasn't enough anyway. Growing up in church so much focus was placed on the amount sown, but bless God Kingdom finance is not about amount the sown amount, it is the faith in which the seed is sown in. As your faith increases naturally so will your giving and your faithfulness will be rewarded by the God of heaven. It is high time that we focus our minds and hearts according to the word concerning Kingdom finance as it is written in Ephesians 1:18 & Proverbs 23:7.

    I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.

    As a man thinks in his heart so is he.

    Speaking for myself I had gotten to a point in life where I was tired of getting the same results. I have no more than the next man in terms of dollars but wisdom shown itself true in my life concerning career choices, business dealings all the way down to what time I got myself up in the morning to start my daily grind. Disciple developed, trust in Him grew, and faithfulness abounded mightily.

    Corporately speaking, the saint within the kingdom of God are the most wealthy lineage on earth. We should have the most doctors, engineers, architects, educators, and so on. However as the honorable Apostle Marc stated we the oxen of God have to be willing to do the work.

    1. Major release 3DK. With great poise and elegance was this penned. Upon which the soul is enlightened with revelatory insight and understanding that with the diligence of the Ox the glory is carried and the Kingdom is expanded!!

  4. Third Day King:
    Powerful revelation and explanation.


  5. ~Because we are seed, everything that we touch should yield or produce. Therefore, since "I am seed", I vow to avail myself in whatever capacity Holy Spirit sees fit so that I can be used as an agent that would yield a manifestation and so that what is expected and required of me could come to fruition. I pledge my support.

    The responses are indeed powerful.

  6. Powerful expressions are being released concerning this thrust of the Apostolic nature. It is the "Kinetics Of kINGS" that will move this next generation into a realm of glorious occupancy!!

    For This Is Wisdom!!

  7. KINGDOM WALL STREET..... "Laying Kingdom Plans"... As the Governing Apostolic Commander.. you have so eloquently laid out the FIVE CONSTANTS OF GOVERNING necessary for Financial Stability and Strength that will contrive the proper and effective dynamics of wealth transfer and exchange through lifestyles of obedience, submissiveness, and accountability by carrying out a complying to ALL FIVE constants. Morality, Method and Discipline by way of the Word and the decrees from God's sent messenger/Commander/king/priest...must be executed by this remnant of kings with the mindset of the Kingdom that is in within them. This has to first of all be a knowing of who one is and what one now has become as well as the importance of what each one is a part of. Business owners, entrepreneurs, CEO's, pioneers, trail blazers.... inventors...proton creations.... etc etc ... will become the norm for this dynasty that will be the seals for the inheritance for future generations of kingpriest. Earth responds to the obedience of the true sons of God and there will be such production and reproduction of what is in heaven coming to earth that there will be no room to receive... Glory to GOD!!! For this is the will, purpose and plan of God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever... HE spoke through HIS sent ones back then and HE is yet speaking and releasing HIS Divine instructions this day, right here, right now... by way of the Divine Encounters that have transpired through the Apostles of KingPriest/KCIC...... KINGDOM WALL STREET may sound too good to be true to some... as the you continue to lay Kingdom plans.... the unfolding of everything God ordained and fashioned according to the blueprint and pattern that has been set in place to manifest during this time and season shall surely come to pass, just as HE spoke it. Tapping in and carrying out the instructions is now the order of the day. The sceptor has been extended in favor... He that has ears to hear must hear against all odds... for we have been called to this and chosen to rule and reign in the earth by taking FINANCIAL dominion as well.. for such a time as this. *Investor Brown....
