Today's syllabus has a great meaning and depth of dimension. "Except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not wise enter the kingdom"...
I reassure you that this Scripture is not referencing works by any means, but rather speaks to a status, a position as a kingpriest after the order of our High Priest, Christ.
In your prayerful conquest of wisdom, give revelation and meaning to this scripture.....
Apostle Billy R. Woodard
Right standing with the Father in the position in which He has called, fashioned and ordained us to in this life individually. The Pharisees had one goal in mind and that was to be heard and seen without submitting to the purpose and plan of God. The things of the Kingdom was the farthest thing from their mind, because they had erected their own kingdom. The Righteousness of Christ Jesus makes us right... so therefore when we submit to HIS authority and govern in this life by taking dominion just as HE did when He walked the earth... HIS Righteousness exceeds through us and HIS example is yet alive and well still flowing in the earth as HIS royal priesthood as kingpriest... Subduing as HIS ambassadors and intuned with HIS Spirit as conduits of HIS everlasting glory.... not by power.. not by might.. but by HIS Spirit as a living epistle in the earth... His handiwork...declaring from the throne of David...effectively taking part in the restoration of the house of David and the order of the Lords church being established as we advance the Kingdom on the foundation of the apostles and prophets... Righteousness Exceeds and prevails....
ReplyDeleteBeloved Apostle I could not have said this any better myself..Dad Woodard
DeleteUnderstanding that the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees focused on the actual earthly practice/principle of "living right", it therefore had boundaries meaning that righteousness was obtained by their standards. Even so given by their own definition. Following their own pattern they hoped to "achieve" righteousness. The exceeding righteousness that allows entrance into the Kingdom is obtained when we live by way of the Spirit of God and allow Him to reign in our life. Kingdom produces Kingdom, it gives us all the tools we need to obtain this virtue. We cannot obtain this type of righteousness on our own merit, works, or abilities. True righteousness deals with the heart of a man(the root level), what an individual is in themselves before God. In other words what they are versus what they do. The righteousness of God pushes us through the veil of our own humanity causing us to become more like Him only when we submit ourselves to His will thus making our measure of His righteousness become more evident in our every day lives. The righteousness of God is a gift unto itself.
ReplyDeleteThird Day King you have done me proud again...go forth and conquer..Dad Woodard
DeleteOur righteousness is in Christ Jesus for we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. This righteousness is not attainable through works of the flesh, therefore our position is not one of engaging in dead works or being well versed in the scriptures such as the pharisees and the sadducees but in putting on Christ and understanding our current position in Him. I Peter 2:9 states that But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, God's own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
ReplyDeleteBy inheritance, as sons of God, positioned to function after The Melchizedek Priesthood with heavenly (Kingdom) authority, enabled to facilitate the Revelation of Christ, and to function as the government of heaven to the church and the world.
Our mandated and focus is to express our righteousness by walking in light of our Great High Priest, The Lord Jesus Christ as a Priest after the Order of Melchizedek.
Psalm 10:3-4 Your people will offer themselves willingly in the day of Your power, in the beauty of holiness and in holy array out of the womb of the morning; to You (will spring forth) Your young men, who are as the dew.
The Lord had sworn and will not revoke or change it: You are a priest forever, after the manner and order of Melchizedek.
To understand our righteousness we must fully understand the current ongoing ministry of Christ and his position in heavenly places. It goes beyond our place of salvation and living right its a posture, if you will an inherited position in the heavenly realm that is to be manifested in the earth.
Grace & Peace
Absolutely on Point-Apostle Billy R. Woodard