Thursday, August 22, 2013


All of you are familiar with Wall Street the financial district in New York, named for Wall Street, centered on 0.7 miles street running from Broadway to South Street-Wall Street in the (Metonym) the backbone for the financial markets of the United States Of America? Wall Street is the platform for America's economy. Wall Streets dynamics are affected through high-end investors and the system of capitalism. It is what makes it work.
Apart from capitalism (a system where the top investors are positioned and the rest of the world struggles to get to the top to no avail) Kingdom City/KingPriest Inc., the two parent companies, must effect a financial structure between spiritual sons and daughters and spiritual fathers and mothers (Investors).
The Kingdom Wall Street will be the catalyst for funding ministries, planting churches, and hosting kingpriesthood conferences. I truly feel that this idea and concept is a "Divine Encounter" for moving forward in advancing the Kingdom Of God through the marketplace movement..
It is my decree that this will happen in the very near future...As the fathering Apostle to both the ministries, I encourage you to join Apostle Richardson and myself in this endeavor....In your blogposts this morning, give me your opinions and your prayerful support, your ideas, etc...We will blog constantly speaking to this endeavor.
                                                                                   Apostle Billy R. Woodard

P.S.  As we put our hands,hearts,minds,and spirits to this endeavor prepare to be intensively trained in the art of financial warfare.


  1. Let our sowing take on the traits and motives of the kingdom of God. In Wall Street sowing/investing is in the spirit of capitalist, making money at any cost. We sow after the Order of Melchizedek where our sowing is not based on what we can get from God but what we can become in Him. The sown seed is the tangible expression of the believer and carries the spirit of how we think, feel, believe and act unto God, therefore we do so being kingdom-minded and with a heart submitted to Him. Bearing this in mind let our vision at Kingdom City/KingPriest Inc. always be 20/20. The contrast between Wall Street and ministry is fiscal rhythm. Fiscal rhythm is the key in having a deeper divine encounter individually and corporately thus leading to expansive church planting, conferences, etc.

    1. Beloved Third Day King,I'm in constant awe at your growth since our first encounter.I'm all the more ecstatic at your blog as it relates to the kingdom Wall Street Project..I percieve your astute buisness savy along with your loyalty first to the kingdom Of God and secondly,to your spiritual father and leaders..I urge you to continue and you will reign as king in the earth,love Apostle Dad Woodard.

  2. Dad Woodard.. what ever you decree in your position of power and authority as you represent Christ in HIS Kingdom as HIS ambassador, special messenger and sent one of the royal priesthood, as kingpriest ... the vision and mandate that God has given you and Apostle Richardson shall indeed and in fact come to pass, according to the pattern, the blueprint that God has given the both of you in visions and dreams. This assignment to advance HIS Kingdom and build up this dynasty shall manifest in the days to come with manifested demonstration of a dynamic takeover from businesses, promotions, and wealth that shall come forth out of the loins of both your kingship. You shall produce and reproduce in a manner in the earth not seen of men in this dispensation. God always gave specific instructions to trusted sons and kings that had HIS heart and HIS Spirit in which I can duly say that the both of you do. Not many days hence, there will be men and women with power, wealth, resources and influence in the marketplace that shall make this connection by way of relationship status and tap directly into what God has already predestined for this hour. There shall be sons that are in the vein now under bout your ministries that will and shall run with this vision and stop at nothing in fulfilling their duties to the vision that God has given and is yet birthing out of this father-son embrace. I stand with, pray with and for as well as support this amazing work and the grandeur of its nature. I whole-heartedly submit my gifts, talents, finances, resources, time and abilities to this purpose and value very highly what I know to be the fulfillment of destiny. I look forward to blogging more in the days to come on this matter because this is truly what the Lord has set in place through KingPriestInc/KCIC as a Divine Encounter for apostolic strategies, trail blazing, pioneering, and proton dimensions of governing power ruling and reigning, in and over the marketplace!!!!!There is a moving forward/advancing taking place as we speak... the days of revealing what HE spoke of is at hand. We shall now see what we believe. The obedience will destroy every ounce of sacrifice ever made. We have now come into what has been declared from the heavens... HIS Kingdom has come and HIS will is being done, on earth as it is in heaven. Its the manifested hour of DAILY BREAD in immeasurable proportions substantially... spiritually and naturally!!! To the Glory of our God and King!!!!! KINGDOM WALL STREET... Hello.. my name is investor BROWN!!! : ))

    1. Beloved Apostle Brown you never cease to amaze me,I marvel at your apostolic authority in matters of the kingdom..your loyalty and dedication is appreciated,love Apostle Dad Woodard

  3. The Kingdom Wall Street!! Glory to God!!! Yes indeed this is truly on the Heart of the Father. The earth is the Lord's and that includes the financial arena/institutions. This project will come to pass without a shadow of doubt.

    The proposed plan to fund ministries etc. is awesome and there is so much more.

    Kingdom City/KingPriest will begin to receive Divine instructions on a regular basis concerning this project. God will release to the sons of the ministry strategic prayers for intercession on these Kingdom Financial Institutions and The Fathering Apostles part in the building process.

    He is even preparing the hearts of Kingdom people in the earth for what is about to come through Kingdom City/KingPriest. The Father's Heart is about to be made super happy as the ministries takes dominion in this area, just what He has been waiting for!!

  4. Kingdom -Wall Street is the reflection of what I like to refer to as an Solomonistic Economy. It was through the endowment of kings that the economy in that era was generated. As everyone sowed into Solomon and Solomon sowed back into them with great currency. This is the function of kings. There was not King that was in fellowship with Solomon that lacked resources. As a nation of kings and priest under this Melech-Zedek order this is the only way to function. Stepping in to grab oil for free forces a spiritual recession. There is not a cost for the oil but a process to obtain and maintained it.

    Apostle Marc

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. (If I may. I will keep it very basic in my response.)

    It is my belief that our resources are already within. Since we are Kingdom systems, if there has been lack or little to no resources, it's apparent that we have not been working what's already within.
    In the Levitical system, the storehouses were loaded and ready to be poured out and there was not enough room for just one to be received.
    For the Kingpriest, we are no longer in the waiting position for YHVH to pour out. We have been given the authority to bind and to loose. We have been given heavenly authority and earthly resources and access as Kingpriests to produce and unlock what we need by mouth!
    Unlike the religious and institutional church, our provision is not tied to a Levitical system or even the wealth of the wicked. Our wealth is predicated upon the system of honor and in how we value each other.
    Being a part of the ekklesia, the called out ones, by truly grasping the concept of who we are as Kingpriests, we must understand fully that it is through us, by the example of Abraham and Melchizedek as a typology, who YHVH desires to use to prepare the way for each other by way of the system of honor and who shall also create a simplistic and divine simple system that many others in the Kingdom will grasp a hold to and who will see it transcend by following the principles.
    More than anything else, second to order, we are the system of honor. And that, Kingpriests, is because the highest form of honor is through giving......

    Therefore, because we have gifts, we must beget gifts.....
    We must shift from desiring the seed without becoming the seed! We must be to each other what we desire to receive....
    From being the seed of righteousness to producing it by giving.
    We are the Kingdom's currency!
    I give my support.

  7. Oh, New York's Wallstreet has nothing on us Kingpriests!
    Symbolically, if Heaven's street are paved in gold, we must understand that we should not have to depart eternally to walk streets paved in gold when we should be walking on gold now. I see wealth all around us! It's already upon us!
