Kingdom Wall Street Pt.2 - Pg.2
(Moral Core Value)
In the competent words of "Third Day King" (King Curtis Bright), for the next seven to ten days, we will be surveying and addressing the five core values that govern the acumen (keen mindset) of aquiring and amassing strong kingdom wealth. In this syllabus "Moral Core"is defined as one's total accord and oneness with the creator contingent upon no one or anything else. We are going to study this "Moral Core Value" from the advantage point of the wise King Solomon in the Old Testament. During the next seven to ten days, I admonish that you study 1 & 2 Chronicles prayerfully.
King Solomon's "Moral Value" was not contingent upon anyone or any one thing as it related to his relationship with his creator. We must not build the Kingdom Wall Street apart from our "Moral Core Values". For the love of money is the root of all evil. If we are going to build and amass great Kingdom wealth then we cannot be connected to that root. If we are connected to that root, we cannot properly represent the Kingdom Of God, let alone function well within its caverns.
As the "Third Day King" so eloquently stated, I have seen this pattern in my forty-two year tenure in ministry and it is my assignment and endeavor to break the accursed cycle with KCIC & KINGPRIEST, for future generations to come. After which if it is time for me to transition into my place of rest, then I shall rest in peace.
I have opted to study the anals (Chronicles) of the wise King Solomon for it is by his "Moral Core Value" that the spiritual financial transfer from the realm of the spirit in the hands of the King Of Tyre (Satan) was effected in the earth realm and remains today. The wise King Solomon took over every industry on behalf of the Kingdom.
It is my sincere prayer that you will prayerfully and obediently follow me in this dynamic revelation breaking the Levitian accursed priesthood into the "Living The Blessed Life" after the Order Of Melchizdec in the MelechZedek Priesthood Of Christ!
Apostle Bill y R. Woodard
God bless you Apostle dad woodard. This is true we may get wealth , but must stay connected to the root. Your vision you have for the sons and daughters is great it will come to past.
ReplyDeletelove you
Your son Apostle Andre C Martin
The spirit of Philanthropy is definitely upon these kings... we shall lend to many nations and never borrow...the love of money has no root in these kings....all we ask for is the wisdom to govern that which HE gives us charge over..Executive stewards and distribution centers of the wealth to the nations of citizens of the Kingdom of having the spirit and the heart of the KING and Commanding king...we excel in strength and power engineer and build the old waste places and restructure the families by training and imparting...just as Solomon did...when HE asked God for the wisdom in leading HIS people...although HE knew much from HIS Father David... HE still had an ear to hear what the Father desired out of his place of rulership and governing as king. The fact that the wealth and possessions didn't "have Solomon"... the Lord knew HE could trust Solomon with riches untold, like that in which no other man had ever had before. This is a time of being proven and tested to see if the money and possessions "have us" or if we have to power to advance and occupy through Divine instructions and obedience with our hearts turned towards God and HIS kings. Crucifixion of the flesh life and the over involvement of emotions are forbidden to be the leading mode of operation for God's trusted kings... HE knew and know the motive of every heart and the spirit of every one HE sends. Solomon is a lesson to be is David. The haves and have nots...the do's and do nots... Lessons from this royal lineage of trust kings.. if not taken lightly will cause us to catapult to Kingdom Philanthropist even like Joseph...where the Bible says... Joseph was given CHARGE OVER EVERYTHING!!!!! *KINGDOM Philanthropist/Wealth Strategist SYBrown*
ReplyDeleteSolomon penned in Prov. 11:24 "There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty."
ReplyDeleteWe see from this verse the "scattereth" which is the Hebrew word pazar. This word means to disperse. Solomons moral obligation was to give. He was a giver. He understood the folly of a closed hand thus penning the second portion of the text where he used the term witholding more than is meet. The word meet is the hebrew word "yosher" which means what is right morally. To break this mindset and lifestyle will ultimately give birth to poverty.
If I could borrow the term Philanthropy from Apostle Brown I would say that Philanthropy is the sustainer of a Kingdom. To give and make provisions for giving. Without Kingdom Philanthropy it is impossible to birth increase in any dominion.
If we have no morals and values, we won't know how to manage money or anything else.
ReplyDeleteSolomon received MORE simply because he was a man who had a very high moral standard. Morals and humility moves God........