Thursday, August 29, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street /Self-Check Questionnaire'

Greetings my beloveds,God's Elect...Let me first thank you and congratulate you for you ongoing participation with the sonship blog...Your blog respsonses have been totally on point as they relate to Scripture and I concede that we KCIC & KINGPRIEST INC. are well on our way, spiritual and financial stability, in the advancing of God's Kingdom in the earth; however having close discernment and the love of a father for all of his children, the Holy Spirit has prompted me to interject this Kingdom Wall Street Self Check Questionnaire, not as as rod of correction, but a tool of wisdom for us all.

Once again I must take my hat off to my beloved son, Curtis Bright, AKA "Third Day King".
Your blog response to the core value of method and discipline struck the very chords that the Father has placed within my spirit and in doing so, I could hear the "sound" apart from the noise that alerted me to God giving me the go-ahead with the Kingdom Wall Street.
I struggled on last night with my decision for today's post, as it is everything I do as a spiritual father, I'm accountable to The Father on behalf of all my spiritual children.
I ask you to please not try to second guess me on this and please do not try to scrutinize each other...This questionnaire is just a bridge to carry us over to the other side of successful kingdom finance. I will introduce three self check questions in the remainder of the blog for your benefit and mine as well..Do not answer in a way that you think will be satisfactory with me but rather, from the core of your relationship with the Creator.
I will answer the questions first..a simply yes or no will suffice..No scriptures are necessary..Be forewarned, the my spirit of discernment will again be in play for my beloveds! This is serious business. Please follow my lead and write the answers truthfully with a Yes or No.

1.  Apostle Woodard, if you had the guarantee of wealth that would be built with persons you yourself would have not chosen, could you put your personal feelings aside, be a solution and not a problem for the good of everyone involved?----Truthfully Yes.

2. Apostle Woodard, with the guarantee of wealth over the period of five years, could you find the discipline to invest a tangible amount either quarterly or yearly to impact that five year annum of wealth?---Truthfully Yes.

3.Apostle Woodard, can you discipline yourself to give (invest) in the Kingdom Wall Street project out of pure honor to the Creator as opposed to any law of coersion by anyone or any one thing?---Truthfully Yes.

I have posed only three questions that prophetically place us in agreement with the God-head, not the trinity, but the (Father who is God alone), (The Son who is King and High Priest), and the Holy Spirit, the sevefold spirit of the Father).-------------Apostle Billy R. Woodard

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt. 2 Pg. 6
Core Value # 5- Method And Discipline

The core value of method and discipline must be resident in each of us. For it will ensure uninterrupted successes on every front. Method and Discipline will be the posterity of Kingdom Wall Street.

Method and Discipline of investors (Leaders, sons, daughters, and churches) and investments (land, property, buildings, liquid assets, and currency) will be germaine to executing purpose of Kingdom Wall Street,(Planting and Sustaining churches, Advancing the kingdom Of God via the marketplace).

The root dilemma in kingdom finance is this, "many have forsaken the apostolic blueprint of planting the church and have begun to plant buildings calling them churches." The church that Christ built had nothing whatsoever to do with a physical building, but everything to do with the soul (mindset of mankind) of men.
The transfer of the soul (Renewing of the mind...translation into the spiritual kingdom of God's Son). The building is simply the place of assembly for the training, worship, and platform for growth.....marshaling and aligning, and equipping the subdivisions for graduation in rank and position. This is all done in the confines , not apart from the divine entity - "The Lord's Church".

The second root dilemma in kingdom finance is this: "many are allegedly and I quote, "Birthing Ministries" apart from the Lord's Church."
In the case of the prophet Moses, God revealed to him and gave to him the exact blueprint of the heavenly sanctuary and Moses was to build the tabernacle in the wilderness by the exact pattern. In doing so, the ancient Israelites before they left Egypt, had more than enough supplies to build the tabernacle. God supplied and provided.....My point is this, "the sovereign God is not obligated to finance spiritually or physically apart from his divine blueprint, your ministries, your churches, etc."

KCIC &KINGPRIEST INC, we must establish first, financial platforms in each region of conquest for growth, training, equipping, releasing, sending, and planting. Then and only then will the God of heaven intervene in the plan of his Elect Kings and Priests..."the plans of a man's heart are many, but it is the purpose of the Lord that prevails". -Apostle Billy R. Woodard 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt. 2 Pg. 5

Core Value #4 - Commander (Leadership)

The commander represents the virtues of wisdom, sincerety, benevolence, courage and strictness.
In every era of history, the times and the people's reaction to the times has produced a burning bush signaling the necessity of a call of leadership. If we are going to unearth wealth on behalf of the kingdom of God, then we must do so out of the conviction that we absolutely need stern God-ordained leadership.(Apostles, Generals, Ambassadors, etc.). The conviction must be integrated with a heart to follow and obey.

In the case of the ancient Israelites, the burning bush appeared signaling the need for a deliverer to break four-hundred years of slavery. In this hour, the burning bush signals the need for a courageous leader to explore and restore the avenues to kingdom wealth that leads all the way back to the wise king Solomon. In this case kingdom citizens, I'm your man.
It is my endeavor by God's grace to not to reinvent, but to reevaluate the kingdom wealth that flows consistently from the well of wisdom, creating streams of surplus, and nourishing nations around the world on behalf of the kingdom.

The leadership is strategic in that is by divine positioning (Divine Order). You will note that in 2 Chronicles, the entire kingdom of Israel in their varied ranks followed the wise Solomon to the high place. It would have been a travesty for any of the tribes to break rank to step out of order. One must not break rank purporting to arrive at the same end as the leadership but must remained vertically aligned with the man or woman of God. (Please allow this seed of counsel to germinate in the soil of your spirit for it will yield a productive harvest in due season). There must not be rivalry with leadership from within the camp, for it will absolutely ensure failure as in the case of the prophet Moses and the ancient Israelites. The vertical alignment with leadership asserts promotion in rank, purpose, and destiny. In following the lead of the wise King Solomon, ancient Israel experienced a golden era of prosperity. Beloveds we are one step away from financial execution. Our last blog syllabus will entail the art of execution through the core value of method and discipline. In other words, how are we going to accomplish it?..........Apostle Billy R. Woodard

Monday, August 26, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt.2 Pg. 4
Moral Core #3 - Earth
The conquest for earth's release of its resources as wealth for the advancement of the kingdom of God is resident in our understanding of earth's ministry to mankind. Earth gave of itself in honor of the creator for purpose and the creation of man. The earth's essence came from the mind of the Creator God, replete with the nature and the dynamics of producing as God. The natural elements: earth, wind, and fire embrace the universe making it conducive for life itself. The natural resources: iron, coal, diamonds, gold, silver are earth's sacrifices in honor of its creator for the sustenance of the kings of the earth. We must understand the transfer of the wealth from the king of Tyre (satan's kingdom) into the kingdom of God's dear son, Jesus Christ our King and Great High Priest. The wealth that we need to advance the kingdom of God is under our feet, in our DNA, and in the atmosphere. It's no small wonder that God planted a garden eastward in Eden (the region of Ethiopia and Haviliah) and Egypt the source of the wealth of nations. "The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof". Earthman know thyself from which you came, draw from within the depths of your existence and you will find a well of wealth springing up to create streams of rivers of wealth flowing to the nations.
                                                                                                     Apostle Billy R. Woodard

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt. 2 Pg. 3 
Moral Core #2- Heaven

If we are going to amass wealth in the earth on behalf of the kingdom of God, we must understand the core value of heaven at the essence of its existence. Everything that King Solomon used to touch heaven was already in the earth realm.There is no material matter in the heavens that would constitute molecular structure in the heavenly realm of the spirit--only spirit essence.However, heaven conditions the earth arena in which we procure all wealth, night and day, winter, summer, spring, and fall. Heaven houses the heavenly host, stars, moon, sun, and the galaxies all of these play a grand scale of man's exsistence on planet earth. Heaven was not created for man. "The heaven, even the heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth He hath given to the children of men". (Psalms 115:16)

King Solomon offered on the altar, one thousand head of cattle, (today's equivalent of $500,000.00. Half a million dollars).The sacrifice of the cattle (symbolism of money and wealth in the earth) had no relevance in heaven but was that which made a sweet smelling savor in the realms of the heavens and finally before the throne of God. It's imperative that we understand in aquiring wealth in the earth on behalf of the kingdom, our sacrifice (giving) must be based upon the premise of absolute honor apart from the law of the Levitical Priesthood of Aaron. The sacrifice (giving) of honor moves heaven, to cause the earth to release its resources to man, God's kingpriest (God's ambassador-co-regent) in the earth). We must understand that sacrifice (giving) does not move or appease God, for He is not a deal broker. In sacrifice, the heavens loose that in the earth to release its resource for the good of all mankind. King Solomon tapped into every earth realm resource in planet earth so much so that kings and magistrates traveled from miles to learn of his success. For heaven had opened, not the windows of heaven, but the heavens itself, for the earth's release.The wealth in the earth already existed.

Did you ever wonder why the Garden of Eden, the very paradise of heaven, was here on earth and not in heaven? Everything that man needed was resident in the garden. Mankind in the garden had the awesome challenge to manifest, move, and act as God in the earth. Man's power of attorney of heaven could be exercised in the earth through the power of sacrifice (giving).The middle-east witnessed a golden age under the kingship of Solomon because he operated out of the core value of his relationship with his creator and the core value of his understanding of the heavens.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt.2 - Pg.2

    Kingdom Wall Street Pt.2 - Pg.2
(Moral Core Value)
In the competent words of "Third Day King" (King Curtis Bright), for the next seven to ten days, we will be surveying and addressing the five core values that govern the acumen (keen mindset) of aquiring and amassing strong kingdom wealth. In this syllabus "Moral Core"is defined as one's total accord and oneness with the creator contingent upon no one or anything else. We are going to study this "Moral Core Value" from the advantage point of the wise King Solomon in the Old Testament. During the next seven to ten days, I admonish that you study 1 & 2 Chronicles prayerfully.

King Solomon's "Moral Value" was not contingent upon anyone or any one thing as it related to his relationship with his creator. We must not build the Kingdom Wall Street apart from our "Moral Core Values". For the love of money is the root of all evil. If we are going to build and amass great Kingdom wealth then we cannot be connected to that root. If we are connected to that root, we cannot properly represent the Kingdom Of God, let alone function well within its caverns.

As the "Third Day King" so eloquently stated, I have seen this pattern in my forty-two year tenure in ministry and it is my assignment and endeavor to break the accursed cycle with KCIC & KINGPRIEST, for future generations to come. After which if it is time for me to transition into my place of rest, then I shall rest in peace.

I have opted to study the anals (Chronicles) of the wise King Solomon for it is by his "Moral Core Value" that the spiritual financial transfer from the realm of the spirit in the hands of the King Of Tyre (Satan) was effected in the earth realm and remains today. The wise King Solomon took over every industry on behalf of the Kingdom.

It is my sincere prayer that you will prayerfully and obediently follow me in this dynamic revelation breaking the Levitian accursed priesthood into the "Living The Blessed Life" after the Order Of Melchizdec in the MelechZedek Priesthood Of Christ!
                                                             Apostle Bill y R. Woodard

Friday, August 23, 2013

Kingdom Wall Street Pt. 2

Kingdom  Wall Street Pt. 2
Kingdom City/KingPriest Inc.

Financial stability is important to every industry, be it coal mining, food service and distribution, or ministry. Strong finance is the life or death of any operation and must be wrought by deliberation and planning.Financial inquiry is a subject that must not and cannot be overlooked or neglected.

In planning for financial strength there are five constants of governing that must come into play in all deliberation. (1). Morality (2). Heaven (3). Earth (4). Commander (5). Method and Discipline

(1) MORALITY - ensures that one is in complete accord with the creator must not enter the battlefield of finance for the sake of financial gain alone this will ensure failure for sure.
(2) HEAVEN - heaven is the constant source for all resource. Heaven bequeaths upon us night and day, cold and heat, time and seasons.These represent the conditions of the field on which we wage our battle for finance.The universe and the elements are always imperative elements to consider in the work of the kingdom. Far often, they are God's agents for provisions.
 (3) EARTH - is the substance from which we came and because God created the earth for man his (man's) affinities (that which motivates him) interconnects him with that from which he came and to him who created them both, again the moral fiber of being closely connected to and in complete accord with the creator so as to follow him (the creator) regardless.
 (4) COMMANDER - In our case, Apostle/Fathering Apostle of counsel represents the voice of wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage,and strictness.
 (5) METHOD & DISCIPLINE - the course of action we will take to achieve our goal..I have laid out for you today what we will call "Laying Kingdom Plans" for the next seven to ten days and in our Kingdom Wall Street blog, we will deal with the five constants thoroughly so as not to have any slip-ups in our spirit man that will endanger our success. In each syllabus blog, do feel free to blog your ideas, revelations, or questions. Together, we can affect enormous change by way of marketplace advancement of the kingdom of God.

                                                              Apostle Billy R. Woodard 

Thursday, August 22, 2013


All of you are familiar with Wall Street the financial district in New York, named for Wall Street, centered on 0.7 miles street running from Broadway to South Street-Wall Street in the (Metonym) the backbone for the financial markets of the United States Of America? Wall Street is the platform for America's economy. Wall Streets dynamics are affected through high-end investors and the system of capitalism. It is what makes it work.
Apart from capitalism (a system where the top investors are positioned and the rest of the world struggles to get to the top to no avail) Kingdom City/KingPriest Inc., the two parent companies, must effect a financial structure between spiritual sons and daughters and spiritual fathers and mothers (Investors).
The Kingdom Wall Street will be the catalyst for funding ministries, planting churches, and hosting kingpriesthood conferences. I truly feel that this idea and concept is a "Divine Encounter" for moving forward in advancing the Kingdom Of God through the marketplace movement..
It is my decree that this will happen in the very near future...As the fathering Apostle to both the ministries, I encourage you to join Apostle Richardson and myself in this endeavor....In your blogposts this morning, give me your opinions and your prayerful support, your ideas, etc...We will blog constantly speaking to this endeavor.
                                                                                   Apostle Billy R. Woodard

P.S.  As we put our hands,hearts,minds,and spirits to this endeavor prepare to be intensively trained in the art of financial warfare.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Shalom, by virtue of your present positioning after the order of Christ, who is after the "Order Of Melchizedek, you are MelechZedek Priests. The concept of failure has been eradicated from the harddrive of your spirit---emotions and feelings will serve only to gauge your your spiritual indepthness from which you operate as a priest unto Almighty God here on planet earth.
If you are feeling frustration or fear, then heighten your indebthness (your dimension) into the Sovereign after which you will plateau for uninterrupted service and ministry. You will not allow the inadequacies and weaknesses of others to break your guage.
You must always ready to take flight on the runway of life! If you submit fully to emotions and carnal feelings, you will not fail, but will simply be left to "taxi-ing" the runway. The kingpriest status is born out of love and must not be confused with the emotions and feelings that resurrect from love (1 Cor.13:1-8).
The Holy Spirit gave me this declaration and decree for the sake of the frailties of existance that we all face. In the final analysis, we must decree and declare "I am more than a conquerer through Christ who strengthens me". In your posting today, I ask you to give your opinion of this decree by closing out your post with this script (saying it out loud verbally) "I am more than a conquerer".
                                                                                                    Apostle Billy R. Woodard

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Righteousness Exceeds

Today's syllabus has a great meaning and depth of dimension. "Except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not wise enter the kingdom"...
I reassure you that this Scripture is not referencing works by any means, but rather speaks to a status, a position as a kingpriest after the order of our High Priest, Christ.
In your prayerful conquest of wisdom, give revelation and meaning to this scripture.....
                                                                                                 Apostle Billy R. Woodard

Monday, August 19, 2013

Renewed Mind

Renewed Mind

What is meant by "Be transformed by the renewing of the mind?" Now remember, I want the full dimension revelation of this concept, and if you will, please provide Scripture references for your revelation and comment.
  It is my strong belief that the revelation of this passage is key to supernatural breakthrough in every aspect of life and living the blessed life.
                                                                            Apostle Billy R. Woodard

Saturday, August 17, 2013

"Dimension Kingdom"

"Dimension"- full length,depth,height,and scope

    In this first session of blogging, in response to the syllabus "Dimension Kingdom" upon the platform of the definition of "Dimension", give me your best concept of the word.
There is no wrong concept and we will be learning to think outside the box (carnal mind) into the mind of the spirit.
Think over your concept clearly and give me a Scripture reference that speaks to your concept of the word "dimension". 
                                                                                                                Apostle Billy R. Woodard

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Dimension Kingdom

This week we will focus on thinking outside the carnal mind into the mind of the spirit. In your response to this blog, please give me your concept of "Dimension". My concept is the full height, width, depth, full scope......If you can give a Scripture reference that speaks to your concept of dimension---note, there is no wrong concept. This is to sharpen your thinking in terms of revelation, spiritual indepthness, etc.

                                                                                         Apostle Billy R. Woodard

Friday, August 16, 2013

Welcome Beloveds!

Welcome To KingPriest Inc.'s Sonship Forum!

Greetings My Beloveds.

I was led of the Almighty God to start this blog so that we can engage one another by way of creative and divinely revelatory truths.
Please subscribe to our blog here on Blogger and also, please leave your comments as led by the Holy Spirit. (Please note: you may have to create a Blogger profile in order to comment.)
It is my deepest desire to connect with each of you, my beloved spiritual offspring.

Always With Love,

(The Apostle - Billy Woodard)